
CK Newsletter Volume 52 : One Year Anniversary

This week's newsletter marks the 1-year milestone since it was first released! I want to thank all of you because without your readership I probably wouldnt have had continued.I have tried to use the newsletter as a platform for my updates as well as a window to Japan for all of you who wants to take a peek into this country at the far-east. I might not have succeeded at either but it sure has been fun and I will keep on writing. I promise.

I digress. I received an email from an old friend back in Inti College the other day. To my surprise, she has been in the US since 1996. If she has had given birth to a child the kid would be in junior high by now! It is really a wonder what time can do. Changes occured in the past 12 years and needless to say things have changed. And things keep changing. And they are changing at a rate ever faster.

I was flipping the pages of a Forbes magazine released 13 months ago. The cover story featured The Revival of Mazda. How ironic, isnt it? The story says Mazda is in the position to lead Ford Motor out of the slump, just as what Ford did for Mazda when Mazda needed help. The president of Mazda had a big smile on the cover. But a mere 13 months later the whole industry is on the verge of a collapse. I guess we must learn better not to take things for granted and to start appreciate things before we lose them.

Which brings me to my closing point. I swear ( :-) ) I will try to write better before losing your readership. And writing better sometimes means not to bore the readers with too much self-centered reminiscence. So here I will stop in this anniversary issue.

Have a good day!

sent on 09/3/15