
Hi everybody! First of all my apology for the earlier than usual newsletter release. I will be away from home for a week from the coming Saturday and wont have access to email - so you see, not only this week's newsletter will be prematuredly sent, I will be missing a week's release as well. Sorry a
bout that.


CK Newsletter Volume 8: Terminator in making

Yes, I am talking about a terminator in making. No, we are not seeing Soo-whats-a-neggar making a comeback to the big screen. I am saying we might be able to witness the born of a robot that is self-dependent in the eye to movement coordination.

Take a look at the attached paper clip. You cant read it and thats OK because that's why I am here.

This is a news clip in a very wellknown local business paper. Try to think of it as Wall Street Journal. This robot is one metre in height, features two visionary sensors (eyes), thirteen movable joints in the legs, and not to mention the hands. It is co-developed between a private lab and Toyota.

What is special about this robot, is that it learns to walk on its own, unlike other robots where movements and patterns of walking has to be taught. At present stage, this robot is hardwired to a computer that mimics human neuro pattern (AI, anyone?). The only input required to "kickstart" the rob
ot is simply to ask her to raise and lower her legs. Like a human learning to walk, the robot will collapse on the beginning steps, but soon she will pick up the gravitation and projectory, and she will walk on her own. Just like a baby learning to walk. The only difference is, she learns in a mere
ten minutes.

In the near future, the lab is planning to give her a pair of eyes so she can watch where she's going. Given the visionary sensing ability, it is believed that she will be able to manuvere just as a human do, and we can count on the robot to replace humans in rescue mission and labor.

What a piece of invention! But I am worried a bit. If she learns how to walk by herself, will she, one day, learn how to clutch her hands around somebody's neck? I am sure there are many ways to lay a circuit in the brain to protect the pre-emptive human rights but nevertheless this is a worrying y
et interesting mattter to follow up on. I will update everyone again.