
CK Newsletter Volume 4: <Baseball>

Another week went right past us. How was your week? Mine was a hectic one. Sometime next week or the week after I might be in Thailand on a business trip. So nearby yet I wont be able to meet up. Well lets hope for another chance. This week's topic is sports. I guess most of us have heard about base
ball yet have no idea how the game is played and what is fun about it.

Baseball is basically a team sports. Two teams play against each other with nine players on each side. What is considered weird is that you wont see teams in action at the same time. Each takes their turn to be on the offensive and defensive side. Try imagine american football. Come to think of it
this is indeed a good idea because each time will be given their fair share of playtime to perform.

OK, enough digression. So what is the action in baseball? It's actually simple. One team throws a ball to a person from opponent team and he will try to hit the ball with a bat. If he hits the ball in a way that the ball-throwing team cant intercept the ball before the hitter advances to his next s
top(its called BASE) then the ball hitting team stays in play. And otherwise. There isnt too much action during the game and even if there is action it usually involves two players at the same time.

Of course there is a lot more rules than this but thats OK to disregard them for now.

Baseball is one of the three major sports in the US and there must be something special about it. I think the game captures many hearts because it offers a thrilling experience to the viewers-nobody knows what happens next. The gameplay can be described as "dull" compared to soccer or basketball. H
owever, a little mistake will loose the game and there is no telling when someone will make that mistake. Unlike soccer, where we can almost be certain of the result of a match between a strong and weak team, this does not apply to baseball.

Another thing is each team is given equal opportunity to play and this right is protected by the game rules. Unlike soccer where a team can dominate the ball almost the entire match, in baseball teams take turn in initiating attacks, based on clearly written and enforced rules.

Which reminds me of our country. Everyone could be a lot happier if our society is a large baseball field where everyone is given equal opportunity to play and to excel. Where rules are clearly spelled and enforced. Where life is a thrilling experience without oppression of minds and voices.

Sounds like an Utopia to you? :> Lets start by enjoying baseball!

I went to the friendship match between Chicago University and Waseda University(a famous private college in Tokyo). Take a glimpse of the baseball world. Have a good Monday!