
A Happy New Year to everyone!

So here I am again, sitting at my desk in a cold little house typing this issue of newsletter. A week went by so quick and there wasnt time for me to meet up with all of you guys and gals. Sorry about that.

A week was short and before I realize Akiko and I were already standing in line waiting to be cleared out of the country at the airport customs. As always there were emotional scenes and tearful hugs, but I came away quite OK this time. Reason? I got myself a cellphone in KL that I can use back in Japan so that I can stay connected with ppl back in KL!!! I was so happy. I was ready to SMS my family when I get back to Japan.

The plane took a transit in Taiwan. The phone did roam! I got all the signals I wanted and could make calls and send messages.

The very same plane that we were on then took another transit at HongKong. To our pleasure it did roam! I told myself I was going to call home the first time I touched down in Fukuoka airport.

And here it was! Fukuoka airport. I switched on the phone the moment the captain announced that we could use electronic devices. To our surprise, the phone detected no signal. It was dead, or maybe I should say, brain dead. My heart sank. All hopes to SMS home, all the new year wishes to be said, suddenly all went out the window.

As I checked later with Digi Malaysia Call center, I was told i needed a 3G phone to be able to roam in Japan. (and Korea as well, for that matter)
I was like, WHAT??
I was forced to buy another phone just so I can use the SIM I bought in Malaysia. I was in a way very disappointed with the network in Japan. I was disappointed because the telco in japan dont really seem to be in the customers' best interest when in comes to offering the service. why would we need only 3G network while even the EU is still preserving its 2G so that the users get to choose between performance and budget??

But i asked every japanese i know and they just looked at me and said, "why would you not want to use a better and newer service?"

I was speechless.

Have a nice day!