【緊急ライブ】”THE 不法移民”日本人の知らないアメリカの超ヤバい現実 (宇山卓栄×マックス×石田和靖)



特番『川口市クルド人問題、浮かび上がる利権構造と政治の闇』ゲスト:著作家 宇山卓栄氏




特番『中東危機とウクライナ戦争で露呈するアメリカの堕落』ゲスト:著作家 宇山卓栄氏









If we don't do something about the current Japanese government, that shitty government, Japan is sinking more and more and is on the verge of sinking! Yet, many Japanese people really have no sense of crisis! ! Why are so many Japanese people so stupid?

If they have come to this point, I really call them an idiot. .

People from countries such as China and South Korea who are anti-Japanese or whose standards are so low that there is nothing they can do about it, come to Japan under various pretexts such as refugees. The security situation in Japan is getting really bad. Chinese people have the highest crime rate, followed by Koreans, and people from other Asian and Latin American countries, but this has been the case for a long time. The crime rate for Japanese people is only 3%. The remaining 97% is the crime rate committed by foreigners in Japan. And now in Japan, even when these foreigners are arrested by the police, they are all dismissed without charges and are immediately released and set free. The Japanese media never reports the names or nationalities of foreign criminals in the news, but now Japanese citizens who are in financial poverty are caught shoplifting just one pack of eggs, which cost about 200 yen, and are sent to prison. His name and age are even exposed on the news! Japan is now a country that has gone crazy! This is because Japan has always been controlled by dark forces, an evil organization, and the current Prime Minister Kishida is the worst Prime Minister of Japan! He is seen by decent Japanese citizens as if he is bent on destroying and eliminating the country of Japan for something called the Great Reset.

The stupid Japanese people have been deceived and brainwashed by lies from the government and the media, and cannot see the truth at all. It's already too late after the country's death, so I wonder why so many Japanese people don't understand. . Why  don't they think about the future of their children and grandchildren?

With the Biden administration in the US, things are going crazy right now in the US! If we don't get Trump to become president again, America will truly be crushed and die! Of course, Japan, which is a vassal state of the United States and obeys America's orders, will also be destroyed! As you all know, the downfall of the United States and Japan is due to dark forces controlling the governments of these countries. In order to somehow stop this and return the country to its original state, we must have former President Donald Trump become the president of the United States! ! Are the Democrats trying to destroy the United States? The Biden administration, which deceived the world by pretending that Russian President Vladimir Putin was evil, and The Biden administration has now been recognized from humanity as evil. The countries of Europe are also realizing that their countries will perish if they continue to interact with the Biden administration of the Democratic Party of the United States, but Japan's really stupid Prime Minister Kishida is doing the bidding of the Biden administration and rebuilding Ukraine. We Japanese poeple were arbitrarily decided that we would take over the funds and even pay the pensions of Ukrainian citizens. Currently, about 62% of Japanese national income is taken by the government as taxes. The pensions of the Japanese people have been steadily reduced, and the Japanese people have little access to welfare benefits, and they are paying more and more welfare benefits to Chinese, Koreans, and immigrants from other underdeveloped countries. That's what we are doing. Japanese politics is really crazy and strange! Nowadays, it is even said among the Japanese people that the current Japanese government and members of the Diet are not truly Japanese. There is a lot of talk that Keidanren and the media are not really Japanese.

It can't be helped that people think that way because many of the current members of the Diet are so anti-Japanese that they've only been implementing policies that destroy Japan and the Japanese people. And the current members of the Diet do their policies that are good for China and South Korea.
This is the current situation.



