Since this year, I have received many top fan badges from all over the world, so thank you very much! I don't care about such things at all, so I'm always surprised and grateful to receive such top fan badges from various people today. thank you very much.






Thank you so much! どうもありがとうございます!
Since I started to use Facebook again after neglecting it for a long time, many people have been posting and greeting me again, and I am very grateful to everyone.
Every day, I feel connected to people all over the world, and when I think about sharing this moment with others, I realize that humanity is truly one. Although we may be far away, thanks to the Internet, we feel closer to each other. Although our bodies are in different places, we are connected by our souls, so I don't feel that I am far away from you.
There are too many people, so I can't respond to each person individually, but I appreciate your kind thoughts. Thank you m(_ _)m
あまりに人数が多すぎて、個別に対応できないのですが、皆さまの優しいお気持ちは届いています。ありがとうm(_ _)m


We Are The World 

USA for Africa



We are currently experiencing heart-wrenching wars, artificial earthquakes, and beam attacks from space all over the world, with targeted towns turning to ashes overnight.What will happen to this earth in the future?
This earth is a planet of love. However, instead of giving love, there are dark forces who have taken everything from many humans just to satisfy their own desires.
This universe is what God imagined. These dark forces are also unaware that they are able to exist without being wiped out due to God's mercy. Dark forces are currently doing whatever evil they want on this earth, but if we continue to let the devil control us, it is said that this civilization and most of humanity will sink to the bottom of the ocean due to the self-purifying action where the consciousness of the earth causes. Most of the continents will sink. It sinks to the ocean floor. It was said that the American continent would sink from California. And then to New York. America is in a terrible state right now. And Japan, which is a vassal country of the United States, is being put in the same terrible condition as the United States. Next door is an outrageous communist dictatorship called China, and today Japan is being quietly invaded by China. There are dark forces above it. I believe that the only way to save the world is to fight evil with the weapon of love. God is love. The devils, who are kept alive by God's mercy, cannot defeat God. You can't win against love. What the devil hates most is love. It is true love, which is God's love.
Love is something that is given. The feeling of stealing from someone is called stealing love, but it is not true love.
If humans continue to practice the love they give, this earth will be purified and humanity and the current civilization will be able to survive. I believe that this year, 2024, will be a turning point. I believe that if people all over the world are kind and give each other true love, the future of humanity will surely become bright and shining.
Love and Peace to the world..

この地球は愛の星です。 しかし、愛を与える代わりに、自分たちの欲望を満たすためだけに多くの人間からすべてを奪う闇の勢力が存在します。
この宇宙は神が想像したものです。 これらの闇の勢力も、神の慈悲のおかげで一掃されずに存在できていることに気づいていません。 現在、この地球上では闇の勢力がやりたい放題の悪事を行っていますが、このまま悪魔に支配され続ければ、この文明と人類のほとんどは自浄作用により海の底に沈んでしまうと言われています。 地球の意識が引き起こします。 大陸のほとんどは沈没するでしょう。 海底に沈んでしまいます。 アメリカ大陸はカリフォルニアから沈むと言われていました。 そしてニューヨークへ。 アメリカは今、ひどい状態にあります。 そして米国の属国である日本も米国と同じひどい状況に置かれている。 隣には中国というとんでもない共産主義独裁国家があり、今日本は静かに中国に侵略されています。 その上には闇の勢力がいます。 


神は愛である。 神の慈悲によって生かされている悪魔は神に勝つことはできません。 悪は愛には勝てない。 悪魔が最も嫌うのは愛です。 


愛は与えられるものです。 誰かから奪うという感情を奪う愛といいますが、それは本当の愛ではありません。人間がその与える愛を実践し続ければ、この地球は浄化され、人類と現在の文明は存続できるでしょう。 今年、2024年が一つの転換点になると思います。 世界中の人々が優しく、真実の愛を与え合えば、人類の未来は必ず明るく輝くものになると信じています。世界に愛と平和を ..
