When I fall in love..




When I Fall In Love







Natalie Cole & Nat King Cole - When I Fall In Love Lyrics



I'm not against love. I'm just very shy. . That's why I can't even think of approaching a man I really like like a carnivorous girl.
I've always been the type of woman who finds it difficult for men to get close to her, so I'm not popular with men! Even though I was like that, there were only two men in the past who approached me. . One is a man who made a big mistake in love, and the other is a man who got married and got divorced soon!! Well, you mean they were brave men? WWWWWWWWW
There were only two brave men in my life!!
But neither of us was the same person we had promised before we were born. I knew that. At this age, I still haven't met that person. . When will he appear before me? . Does only God know?



私は昔から、男性がとっつきにくい女性だと思う女性のようで、男性にはモテないのよ!そんな私でも、私にアタックして来た男性が過去2人だけいた。。ひとりは恋愛で大失敗した男、もう一人は結婚してすぐに離婚した男‼ まぁ、彼らは勇気ある男たちだったってこと?WWWWWWWWW


浅田真央 & ジェフリー・バトル(THE ICE 2012) ・Cavalleria Rusticana