[歌詞・和訳]Happy Christmas(War is Over)_ 

John Lennon



When I was young, when the LP record of John and Yoko's Staring Over was released, I immediately bought it and listened to it every day. .
Then, on that day in December, when John returned home with Yoko to his Dakota apartment, he was assassinated. 

I was very shocked and sad.


私が若い頃、ジョンとヨーコの Starting Over のLPレコードが発売された時、すぐに買って、毎日聴いていたものです。。




Imajine [MusicVideo-Lyrics] 

John Lennon







I pray to God this Christmas. Pray to Jesus Christ. That humans can live peacefully and prosperously. Wars are still happening on this earth and will never end. . There are evil forces who wage wars, plunge many innocent people into the depths of misery, and make money from these wars. This earth is currently ruled by evil forces, but please pray to the God of humanity on earth and to Jesus Christ for peace and for humanity to live a rich and love-filled life. Prayer has more power than you can imagine. When humanity's desire for love becomes strong and widespread, and this earth is filled with the vibrations of love, all evil will have no choice but to disappear. .
When I saw the current situation of a young man who had committed an identity fraud and his desire to change his mind, I saw light in him. I thought I'd give him a Christmas present that I can give... Merry Christmas to him too!


Merry Christmas to everyone around the world!!


成りすまし詐欺をやっていた一人の青年の置かれている現状と彼の改心の心を見た時、私は彼の中に光を見た。彼に何か私にできるクリスマスプレゼントをしようと思った..彼にもMerry Christmas!
