




Andre Rieu - Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka 2003



André Rieu - The Beautiful Blue Danube 

(official video)



Hey? Did you see it? This movie! Viennese waltz! This is the creation of Johann Strauss II's masterpiece, The Beautiful Blue Danube!

Wasn't it interesting? Is there always a woman behind every famous song? In any case, is there a shadow of a woman behind every successful man? Is it also a shadow of the woman he loves? 

In this movie, Johann Strauss II conducts the orchestra in place of his father, and he conducts the orchestra while playing the violin. It's strange that the young Waltz King, Johann Strauss II, looks exactly like André Rieu, who is called the modern Waltz King! What's more, it's strange that they both have one thing in common: their fathers were orchestra conductors!

ねぇ?見たぁ?この映画!Viennese waltz!これがあのヨハンシュトラウス2世の代表作、美しく青きドナウの成立ちよ!
この映画の中で、息子が父親の代わりにオーケストラの指揮を執るのだけど、彼はバイオリンを弾きながらオーケストラの指揮をしているのよね。若きワルツ王、ヨハンシュトラウス2世の姿が現代のワルツ王と呼ばれているAndré Rieuとそっくりなのは不思議ね!しかも二人とも、父親がオーケストラの指揮者だったってことも共通しているのがなんとも不思議ね!