2024-03-01 ジャンヌの裁き | ガンバレさかっち(瞳)





The current COVID-19 pandemic requires urgent development of effective therapeutics. 5-amino levulinic acid (5-ALA) is a naturally synthesized amino acid and has been used for multiple purposes including as an anticancer therapy and as a dietary supplement due to its high bioavailability. In this study, we demonstrated that 5-ALA treatment potently inhibited infection of SARS-CoV-2, a causative agent of COVID-19, in cell culture. The antiviral effects could be detected in both human and non-human cells, without significant cytotoxicity. Therefore, 5-ALA is worth to be further investigated as an antiviral drug candidate for COVID-19. 








1 ドル = 149円98銭 ~ 150円01銭

1 ユーロ = 161円98銭 ~ 162円03銭


本日は、2024年3月1日 ( 金曜日 ) です。

