See the movie 'Missing'
They have the same roots, right?
I wonder if this song will have a MV soon?
  2023.05.19 FRI 6PM KST

In other words,
If it's a (cause➡effect) relationship,
the concept of dividing by 0 doesn't exist.
You can only be aware of straight lines,
so what is a curve of 0?
- The power of karma,

Karma = 0.
(That's just a delusion)

So, 18➗0,

The philosophy of 

infinite light, boundless light
I can only recognize causal relationships

I'm an ordinary person, 

so a child born from an affair

 (a father who is lazy and boundless)

is ➗0, right? 

(Not allowed to recognize
 Well, well, ???
 Is it a curved line---???
Is it a misunderstanding or mistake? 

But even if it doesn't have a family 

register, it still exists, of course)

Now, then,
One suggestion for a new song
(👉Well, it's Brazil after all,
      Swan Black-Blacklist)

Shinshu--A trilogy of choreography based on "Kyogyoshinsho".
(However, Japanese culture is not 

 allowed in Korea, so outside of Korea,
 in English-speaking countries 

 like Singapore,
 if the Merlion's roots are revealed?,
 it's a bit dangerous, right?

Even if it's not,
they have a criminal record 

before the change members?

Close to Me???)

Song titles⬇

The characteristics of the choreography
unless you give direct instructions,
it's impossible at the level above.
The dancing and hip movements 

are Indian style and OK, 

but I need a bit more ---
The choreography for "Don't show it!" 

is quite difficult, so --- (secret)

For now,
the following is a Chinese Kun opera,
but it seems to be a bit different from

 what Shinran of the Japanese Shinshu 

sect said.

In Shinran's view,
Missing - cannot be resolved, falling into darkness,
Repentance? What's that? - No,
Erasing memories? - Not possible, No,
That is,
Don't show your wisdom, virtue, 

and diligence to others!
So, I'll choreograph it.
(This choreography is 

rated R18ーJapan

because it goes against 

ethical standards.)

For reference, in Kunlun Opera, 

it goes like this:

When the retribution of karma 

appears, JYASE's evil body 

is wreathed in it, repent sincerely,
and attain the Buddha's compassion 

and release from karma.