

一時的には「小説家になろう」に身を寄せておりましたが、kindle paperback に出会ってしまい…改めて紙の本の温かみに触れてしまい、すっかり紙の虜になってしまいました。当面は kindle paperback でも頑張ってみようかと考えています。(もちろん電子書籍も素晴らしい発明だと思ってます。)

そして、大袈裟ですが、人類にとって紙の本の元祖といえば…手帳の類ではないかと思います。そもそも紙に何事かを書き記すという原始的な行為こそが、本という概念の生みの親であることに疑いの余地はありません。そういう奥深い理由か否かは存じ上げませんが、kindle paperback ではノンフィクションや小説などの本類の他にノートやジャーナル類も人気を集めている様子です。



Always by your side...


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Always by your side...



We have made a nice paper free notebook that can be used as a journal or diary. This will be your best partner to record your life. It is very important to write down your thoughts, emotional processes, experiences, and learning points from time to time. It will help you when you want to embark on a journey of self-discovery from time to time.

It is also an efficient use of your time. It is not only a "friend of mind" to enrich your life, but also an ally of your health. You can keep track of your diet, exercise, sleep, and other data to check your physical condition and mood. Then write down your dreams and goals.

The more you write, the closer your dreams and goals will become to reality. Keep this magical notebook with you at all times to help you realize your potential.