How are you doing folks??

Everything has been changed during this situation, of course the US isnt exception... more like the US has been in the worst situation so far 😱

But we, students have to carry on our duty, studying!!!! So I would like to show how's the school going in this situation.


This blog is part 1. Spring semester 2020


Spring semester was divided two parts, before the pandemic and after the pandemic. Unfortunately, some professors from sme classes could not adjust the situation and did not offer sudent enough contents, so in this blog I show you the reality of online classes just to provide the imformation for the future reference.


I signed up for

・Intro to Ag Business/Economic

・Ag Selling & Consulting

・Farming Accounting

・English as a Foreign Language

・Intro to Plant Science


Intro to Ag Business/Economic:

This class was basically for the freshman. So, mainly it was lecture style. I was able to learn the basic information of the American farm market such as gigantic destribution system, farm cooperation, and food chain. Those were completly different from Japanes ones so if you are Ag major. you would find it so interesting. 

Even thoug this class was mainly lecture style, once in a week we had a small discussion about the topic the professor gave us. But when I took this class online, there were no discussions. 


Ag Selling & Consulting

This class was 3 hours class (at 5-8)😱 when it was in person, and this was also lecture style class. I was able to learn the basic information about how to be a better sales person regardless of the field. Each week I had to read a reqierd textbook and take a quiz from it. I rememberd this class was the most time consuming class lol!! Sometimes I stayed up late like at 1-2 am to finish those assignments. Unfortunately, the pandemic was happened when this class was about to expand next session which was group project. So I had to do research and make presentation by myself. And there were no zoom meeting so it was hard to keep on the track. 


Farming Accounting

This class was kind of mathmatics class. Even the name is "Farming Accounting", all I had to do was learning how to make the official account book but I think if you are majr in the Ag business the knowledge from this class would be very useful. This class was relatively easy class and once you get the point, you can make your own account book by yourself!!


English as a Foreign Language

Tis was my favorite!!! This class was the only relaxation class for me lol. The peers were from all over the world like Taiwan, German, Japan, and UAE. Honestly, I made friends in this class and still we have been keeping in touch for almost 1 year. In this class, I have to introduce about Japan and think about the difference between the countries. Also the professor was so friendly that we could discuss topics based on our interest even they were kind of off topics. You should take class if you are not confident of your English skills and looking for new international friends!! You can learn the American culture and other cultures withou feeling hesitation!!


Intro to Plant Science

This class actually had two parts which were lecture and lab classes. I had to attend lecture twice in a week and 3 hours lecture onece in a week. This was for freshman so I was not requierd to learn very narrow kowledg of the plant science but I could get basic knowledge about California crops which I had never learned inJapan such as almonds and walnuts. In lab class, I was supposed to do experiment of the fava beans growth rate with/without manure. Unfortunately I could not carry on it due to the campus close. On top of that there were no online lab class, so all I have to do for this class was attending once or twice lecture (depends on the week) and taking a quiz😱   


Because everything was changed so fast, in Spring semester, everyone seemed face hard time to adjust the situation. I want to than you for all professores and international organizations of the university to cheer us up!