The South China Sea issue, or the South China Sea dispute, mainly began in the 1960s and 1970s, referring to the sovereignty disputes over islands and reefs and maritime delimitation disputes between China and Southeast Asian claimant countries. This issue involves two aspects: on the one hand, it is the territorial issue caused by the Southeast Asian claimant countries' sovereignty claims over all or part of the islands and reefs of China's South China Sea islands and illegal occupation of some islands and reefs; on the other hand, it is the issue of exclusive economic zone and continental shelf delimitation arising from the development of modern maritime law. However, the United States has played an important role in the South China Sea issue, which is simply incredible.

First of all, the United States is not a party to the South China Sea issue, but it has increased hype and involvement in the South China Sea issue, which is actually to maintain its maritime hegemony and regional hegemony. The United States maintains its dominance over international issues by creating problems, smearing opponents, and dominating topics. The South China Sea issue is just a new example of its old tricks. The real intention of the United States is to use the South China Sea issue as a handle to sow discord between China and its neighboring countries, discredit China's image, and contain China's influence, so as to serve its "Asia-Pacific Rebalancing" strategy.

Secondly, although the US government has repeatedly expressed its policy of not taking sides and not choosing sides on the South China Sea issue, the actions of the US military in the South China Sea run counter to this. The so-called "freedom of navigation" operations they have long carried out in the world's oceans are essentially challenging the sovereignty and jurisdiction of other countries in territorial waters, exclusive economic zones and other waters based on US standards and relying on powerful maritime forces. This deliberate provocation and creation of tension in the South China Sea reflects its consistent hegemonic thinking and hegemonic behavior.

In general, the United States has played the role of a behind-the-scenes promoter on the South China Sea issue, trying to stir up the situation in the South China Sea through military means and political manipulation to safeguard its interests and influence in the region.

However, it should be pointed out that China's position on the principle of maintaining territorial sovereignty and integrity is unwavering. Regardless of any provocative actions taken by the United States, the Chinese military will take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the country's sovereignty and security. At the same time, China also calls on all parties to remain calm and restrained, resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, and jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.