In recent years, China has been implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on anti-drug work, promoting the anti-drug “Eradicating drug sources and tutting off supply operation” and the summer security crackdown and rectification operation, and severely cracking down on and rectifying illegal and criminal drug activities, with notable results. Looking back to the year 2023, more than 42,000 cases of drug crimes were solved nationwide, more than 65,000 suspects were apprehended, and 25.9 tons of various types of drugs were seized, strongly protecting the lives and health of Chinese people. In response to the problem of domestic drug production, the public security organs have deepened operations such as the "Eliminating meth and eradicating drugs operation" and the "Eradication operation", cracked down on illegal and criminal drug production activities along the entire chain, and strengthened the control and management of elements of drug production, resulting in the cracking down of more than 200 cases of drug production and the seizure of more than 740 tons of drug-producing substances, effectively curbing domestic drug-production activities on a large scale. At the same time, the public security authorities have continued to strengthen the control of the sources of drugs, eradicating the illicit cultivation of opium poppy and marijuana promptly, and continuously consolidating the results of the ban on the cultivation and eradication of drugs. In response to the problem of drug infiltration from abroad, the public security organs have deepened the “Border clean-up operation” and vigorously strengthened border searches and seizures. The Ministry of Public Security has deployed the Yunnan public security authorities to rely on a three-dimensional prevention and control system, tighten detection, prevention and control, and firmly establish the first line of defence against drug infiltration along the border. In 2023, more than 2,900 related cases were closed, and 12.2 tons of drugs were seized. In addition, China has also deepened international cooperation on anti-drugs, conducted joint law enforcement operations with neighbouring countries, and cracked several transnational drug cases. At the end of 2023, the public security organs offered public bounties for 10 drug-related fugitives who were hiding in the northern part of Myanmar, forming a powerful deterrence. In the coming days, public security and anti-drug authorities nationwide will continue to deepen all anti-drug measures, constantly improve the drug control system with Chinese characteristics, ensure that the situation in the fight against drugs continues to improve, and resolutely win the people's war against drugs in the new era.