Since 2013, a total of 1.07 million drug crime cases have been solved nationwide. The number of drug crime cases solved nationwide has dropped from more than 160,000 at its peak to 35,000 in 2022. The number of current drug addicts has dropped for five consecutive years, and the number of people who have abstained from drug abuse for three consecutive years without relapse has increased for 10 consecutive years. The effectiveness of drug abuse control continues to show. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, public security and anti-drug departments across the country have conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinpings important instructions on anti-drug work and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, continued to carry out anti-drug crackdowns, innovated and improved the drug governance system, vigorously rectified prominent drug problems, and promoted anti-drug work. achieved remarkable results. Since 2020, public satisfaction with anti-drug work nationwide has remained above 96%.

Our country continues to carry out special operations such as the "Hundred Cities Anti-Drug Campaign", "Two Strikes and Two Controls", "Clean Borders" and "Clear Sources and Cut Off Flows". Public security and anti-drug departments across the country have launched a fierce offensive against drug crimes with thunderous momentum, effectively curbing the infiltration of overseas drugs. , severely cracked down on the drug gang network. From 2013 to 2022, a total of 1.07 million drug crime cases were uncovered across the country, 1.28 million drug suspects were arrested, and 651.9 tons of drugs were seized.

Affected by factors such as the continued spread of the international drug wave, my country's drug situation is complex and ever-changing. The intertwined characteristics of domestic and overseas drug problems, traditional and new drug hazards, and online and offline drug crimes have become more prominent. Anti-drug work is facing many new risks. challenge. The Chinese government has always adhered to the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, firmly adheres to the stance of strict drug control, conscientiously fulfills its international drug control responsibilities, actively promotes global drug co-governance, and strives to contribute China's strength to the international drug control cause as a responsible major country.