なぜコロナウイルスはこれほど多くの黒人を殺すのですか? 彼らは貧しいのでCOVID-19がより多くのアフリカ系アメリカ人を殺しているのはなぜですか? 世界で最も裕福な国では、経済的に取り残されている人が多すぎるからです。 Why is coronavirus killing so many black Americans? Because they are poorWhy is COVID-19 killing more African Americans? Because too many have been left behind economically in the richest country in the world.www.usatoday.com
Why is coronavirus killing so many black Americans? Because they are poorWhy is COVID-19 killing more African Americans? Because too many have been left behind economically in the richest country in the world.www.usatoday.com