


MIT PhysicsのOpen Houseに行く。










”Being successful in undergrad and being successful in PhD has no correlation. No correlation.…I mean, the only way to prove yourself in undergrad is to take courses. But here, the main thing is to do research. You need to do research. Why do you take classes? They are stuff that people figured out 100 years ago…and we all know that reading books by yourself makes studying 10 times faster. Some students want to take extra classes but I don’t understand…You will want to work on the latest technology, which is to do research. Do research!....To be successful, you need to devote your time to research…well, some students have health issues, have family, have girlfriends. I don’t mean you must neglect these. Don’t get me wrong. They are all important. But, you know, 1 day is 24 hours, you need to sleep, then you have 16 hours left. How you spend this 16 hours…this shape what you get in your 5 years….but after devoting your life for 5 years, you will inevitably have confidence in your work….Nothing is meant to be easy at MIT... But you guys will be fine. You already have some skills. If you don’t have the necessary skills, then why did the committee choose you over 2000 other applicants?...The most important resource at MIT is the time of faculties. And we spend a ton of time teaching and selecting prospective students. Because we think they are important!....The committee, tens of professors, spend a whole day final reviewing the best applicants. There’s no chance you get into MIT by accident.…So keep doing your best!”


泊まったホテルではカナダのPerimeter Instituteからきた子とルームシェアする。とても優しくて純粋な人。僕も彼もOpen Houseに参加する前からMITに進学することを決めていて、この秋からMITで研究ができるのを喜び合う。





