Cleaning ditches, building gates, etc... | 宇佐本百姓の作業日記




Yesterday morning, Mr Inasaku and I built wooden "gates" for the drains to the rice fields.  


We had to buy the wood first, so we worked out how many linear centimetres of wood we needed and bought it at Komeri.  


We also bought a gas can to replace an old one that had a hole in it. I used a rabbet saw to cut a groove in the wood to hold the planks that will block the water.  


The design is really quite practical.





We built a total of 8 gates and cut some extra planks to replace those lost in the field.


Yesterday afternoon we started cleaning the waterways. 


It's hard and dirty work, shoveling mud and plants out of the ditches.  


This morning we continued cleaning the ditches and in the afternoon, after cleaning up, we packed 117 bags of rice flour, just over 35 kilos of rice flour.  


We kept one 20kg bag for a customer who had reserved it.


I like working with Mr. Inasaku, so it was nice to work with him again.  


Last week I was on my own a lot, repairing signs, draining fields, packing rice flour and doing lots of other work.  


It's nice to work together!