
Russia escalating use of Iranian ‘kamikaze’ drones in Ukraine




Hundreds of weapons may now have been deployed in Crimea and occupied areas of the south



Part of an unmanned aerial vehicle that Ukrainian authorities consider to be an Iranian-made Shahed-136, reportedly shot down in Odesa.


Russia is escalating its use of Iranian-supplied “kamikaze” drones in southern Ukraine, including against the southern port of Odesa and the nearby city of Mykolaiv, amid estimates that hundreds of weapons may now have been deployed by the Kremlin in Crimea and other occupied areas of the south.


amid estimates that=推定の範囲では



The drones – also known as loitering munitions – have also been used against Ukrainian artillery positions in the country’s east, including in the Kharkiv region. Britain’s Ministry of Defence first noted the Russian use of the Iranian supplied weapons in mid-September.


loitering munitions=徘徊型兵器は、攻撃型の無人航空機 (UCAV) の一種。 離陸した無人航空機が数時間にわたって目標地域上空を「徘徊(loitering)」し、高価値目標を発見するかもしくは地上管制システムからの指令を受ける。


Britain’s Ministry of Defence = イギリス国防省

Kharkiv =ハルキウ(ハリコフ)。ウクライナの北東部にある都市。キーウ(キエフ)に次いでウクライナで二番目に大きな都市。


Able to remain airborne for several hours and circle over potential targets, the drones are designed to be flown into enemy troops, armour or buildings, exploding on impact – explaining their description as kamikaze drones.

On Tuesday, Ukrainian armed forces said they had successfully shot down three more Iranian kamikaze drones that attacked Mykolaiv region.A day before Ukraine’s air force spokesperson Yuriy Ihnat suggested Iran may have supplied “several hundred” of the weapons to Russia.


airborne 飛んでいる

exploding on impact 衝突すると爆発する

Ukraine’s air force spokesperson Yuriy Ihnat=ウクライナの空軍報道官ユーリ・イーナット


While drone warfare has become one of the defining features of the conflict in Ukraine, efforts to procure and deploy kamikaze drones have been stepped up by both sides in recent months.


drone warfare =ドローン戦

defining =典型的な

procure =調達する



While much attention has focused on Ukraine’s highly successful use of drone warfare – not least that employing Turkish supplied Bayraktar TB2s – Russia has begun relying more heavily on kamikaze drones rather than missiles.

In recent weeks Russian forces have used Iranian-made Shahed-136 unmanned aerial vehicles to hit the Odesa and Dnipro regions with Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, citing the supply of the drones to Russia as “a collaboration with evil” behind Ukraine’s recent downgrading of ties with Iran.

Reports suggest that the kamikaze drones used in recent weeks have been launched from Russian-controlled areas including the Crimea and occupied Kherson.






According to Ukrainian military sources some of the drones had been repainted in Russian colours. In one of his nightly addresses at the weekend Zelenskiy accused Iran of supplying the drones, a claim denied by Tehran, which has said it is neutral in the conflict.

“Today the Russian army used Iranian drones for its strikes. The world will know about every instance of collaboration with evil, and it will have corresponding consequences,” Zelenskiy said, a few hours after Oleg Nikolenko, spokesperson for the Ukrainian foreign ministry, tweeted that the Iranian supplied drones had led to the revocation of the Iranian ambassador’s accreditation.


revocation 取り消し

accreditation 認可


While at least one other kind of Iranian-supplied drone has been identified in Ukraine, the Shahed 136 – also known as the Heran 2 – has been used most frequently, already becoming familiar for its sound like a distant motorbike engine during its approach.

Usually launched in pairs, the 200kg drone – which is armed with a warhead, officially has claimed range of about 2,000km although realistically it is believed to be closer to several hundred with anecdotal evidence suggesting that Ukrainian forces have at times struggled to track the incoming drones.

In a recent interview Oleg Katkov, of Ukraine’s Defense Express, suggested the drones were probably relatively low-tech, assembled from parts that could be bought easily online and guided by a civilian GPS system, with their effectiveness coming from their use in swarms.






“Since this equipment is assembled from low-quality parts, the reliability will be low. That is why the tactics of using these UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] involves their use in a so-called swarm. In other words, five to six, or even more, kamikaze drones are launched at one target, assuming that a few of them will fulfil their task.”

Ukraine has also said Russian forces are using another larger and more sophisticated Iranian drone – the Mohajer-6 – which can also be used for reconnaissance flights or armed with munitions, which is also being flown out of Crimea.


reconnaissance =偵察

munitions= 軍需品


پهپاد_مهاجر۶.jpg (606×292) (wikimedia.org)


Despite Tehran’s denials, there has been mounting evidence of its role in supplying weapons.

The issue was first flagged up in August when Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser, disclosed that Russian defence officials had been in Iran seeking to purchase drones, with the US earlier this month issuing sanctions against an Iranian airline believed to be involved in moving drones to Russia.

The concern over Russia’s new kamikaze drone tactics – and how to counter them – comes amid reports that Ukraine has also signed a contract for a similar system, the US-made Switchblade 600 although those may not arrive for several months.


Switchblade 600=スイッチブレードは、自爆突入型無人航空機(徘徊型兵器)。アメリカ陸軍の殺傷性小型飛翔弾薬システムとして開発された。人員や非装甲車両などソフトターゲットを標的とするスイッチブレード 300、戦車など装甲車両を標的とするスイッチブレード 600などがある。歩兵が背負って運べるほどのコンパクトな兵器で、迫撃砲の様な筒状のランチャーから発射された後、機体は折り畳まれていた翼を展開して固定翼機の様な形態で電動モーターの推進力で飛行をする。 歩兵がコントローラーで遠隔操作でき、スイッチブレードの機首部分に搭載された高性能カメラから送られた映像で偵察が出来る。 弾頭を搭載した攻撃型は、最終的に歩兵が偵察映像で敵を確認して指令を送り、敵に向かって自爆攻撃を完了する。 攻撃にAIは介入せず、攻撃の判断は全て人間が行う。スイッチブレードという名称は、英語で飛び出しナイフを意味する。


With a powerful warhead, which has been compared to the force of a Javelin anti-tank missile, the munition is capable of destroying tanks and other armoured vehicles.


Javelin anti-tank missile アメリカの開発した対戦車用の歩兵携行式多目的ミサイル。


Ukraine has also been seeking intelligence and countermeasures from Israel to use against the Iranian drones. Earlier this month Israel’s deputy director for Euro-Asia, Simona Halperin, visited Kyiv, where one of the issues understood to have been raised was Israeli intelligence on Iranian drone technology.


Israel’s deputy director for Euro-Asia, Simona Halperin











▲正直、軍事や武器に関しては疎いと言うか関心もないのでこの種の記事は斜め読みどころかタイトルを見ただけですっとばすのがふつうなのだが、「Iranian ‘Kamikaze‘ Drone」という言葉で、イランのソレイマニ司令官の殺害事件がよみがえった。2020年1月2日のニュースだ。新年早々、アメリカは日本でいえば山本五十六にあたるイラン軍の司令官を「ニンジャ」という無人のドローン(なぜドローンには日本語の名前をつけるんだ?)で、理由も言わずにいとも簡単に殺害してしまったのだ。当時アメリカとイランが戦争していたわけでもないのに。私はほんとにびっくりして、こんなことがしょっぱなから起こる今年は「あけましておめでとう」なんて言えないよ、と思ってしまった。遠く離れた日本に住む私でさえひどい、ありえない、と思ったのだ、イランの人たちはアメリカの国旗を燃やして怒り狂っていた。「ぜったいアメリカに復讐してやる」とヒジャブをかぶったふつうのおばさんが叫んでいた。しょっぱなから呪われた2020年はほんとにおめでたくない「コロナの年」になったが、その導入としてソレイマニ司令官殺害は私の印象にくっきり残っているし、いわんやイランの人たちは一生忘れないだろうと思う。その、イランの人たちがいつかアメリカに復讐するために作った「カミカゼ」ドローンには呪いがこもっていて威力がありそうだ。しかしまたそれに匹敵するアメリカ製ドローンを、ウクライナは導入すると言う。憎しみが憎しみを生んで、武器がそれに対抗する武器を生む。どうしたらこの連鎖を断ち切ることができるだろう。







