勧告 韓国 | 展示 インドユダヤ




A grimoire 

to some, an anarchist's cookbook

 of Blood Sorcery and Necromancy 

to others, the Blood Sorcery


 Bible is the first book

 of its kind to openly

 discuss the intricacies of Blood 


Sorcery from the 


science of self-vivisection 


to the combination

 of sexual fluids 

and magnetics. 


If you are


 looking for 


a fairy tale


wizardry or

 if you are 

seeking a deity


 from which to seek permission, this is


 not the book for you. On the other hand, if you desire


 to dip into the pot with your Left Hand and 


 situations to your benefit, this is

 your Bible! The author has

 spent over twenty-five years experimenting 

and practicing 

the mechanics and 

physics of Blood Sorcery. 

The result 

is this manual, offered

 to those who are

 not afraid to work 

Dark Sorcery to 

create the world

 they envision for themselves.