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IN JAPAN オバマさん広島にきてください。

また お願いをしています。自分の生まれた国が唯一の被爆国であるのに、なにも行動を起こさないのはなんだか歯がゆい。日本の政界が変わって政治家ではなかなか発言もしないけれど、オバマさんらに日本の原爆の日に、広島に来てもらうとか、メッセージでもいいから、政局が変われば、すべてやれなくなります。これは行動を起こす人々はいつもクリエーターだったり、芸術家だったり、エンターテインメントを起こす人々ですね。


というのは。先日世界的デザイナーである三宅一生さんが、オバマ大統領に広島訪問を呼びかけた話です。「被爆していた」三宅一生さん、オバマ大統領に広島訪問を呼びかけ 自らも被爆体験を持つ三宅一生さんが、アメリカ・ニューヨーク・タイムズ社の傘下にあるインターナショナル・ヘラルド・トリビューン紙に寄稿。バラク・オバマアメリカ大統領に広島を訪れるよう呼びかけています。三宅さんは、自身がオバマ大統領が言う「閃光(せんこう=原爆)」を経験した生き残りの1人であると告白した上で、被爆体験を語ることに「かつてないほど個人的かつ倫理的責務を感じている」と述べた。また、8月6日の第64回広島平和記念式典にオバマ大統領が出席することを希望するとし、「オバマ氏が広島の平和橋を歩く時・・・核の脅威がない世界の構築に、実際的にも、象徴的にも、1歩近づくことになる」と大きな期待を示している。

カート・キャンベルさん自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter

。キャンベル氏は2007年1月、新米国安全保障研究所(CNAS)のCEOに就任。また、アスペン戦略グループディレクター、CSISが発行するWashington Quarterly誌の編集委員長、自らが創立したアジアについての戦略的なアドバイスを提供するStratAsia社の代表も務めている。アージス社、ウッズホール海洋研究所、豪米指導者対話(Australian American Leadership Dialogue)、ウィリアム・アンド・メアリー大学Reves Center、STSテクノロジー社、Civitas社、国防総省メモリアル基金、ニュー・メディア・ストラテジー社で役員を務めている。米外交評議会、国際戦略研究所などのメンバーでもある。共著に”Hard Power : The New Politics of National Security”、”To Prevail : An American Strategy for the Campaign against Terrorism”、共編に”The Nuclear Tipping Point”がある他、著書数冊、ニューヨークタイムズなど、新聞や雑誌での執筆も広範に渡る。

Please come to Hiroshima IN JAPAN Obama.
It had moved variously for several days because Cart Campbell for whom the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was in haste nominated as the United States Assistant Secretary of State (east Asia and Pacific Ocean charge) came to Japan during the night before last in Japan. It seems that it has the discussion in a lot like between Japan and the politician and the United States and the alliance of Japan and the United States, etc. though it doesn't go out to the table for these several days because Mr. Cart Campbell nominated as an Assistant Secretary of State (east Asia and Pacific Ocean charge) by President Obama has said ahead that there is an interview when the House of Representatives dissolves in the politics of the book on July 21 nowadays.

Moreover, it asks. It is irritated somehow not to take the action at all though the country where I was born is an only nation to suffer atomic bombings. It becomes impossible to do everything even by the message though the political world in Japan changes and it doesn't make remarks in the politician easily as Obama et al. come to Hiroshima on the day of the atomic bomb of Japan if the political situation changes because it is good. This is people who people who rush into action are always the creators, artists, and cause the entertainment.

It wishes that it actually become it by all means.

Because. Issey Miyake who is a worldwide designer the other day is a story that asks President Obama for the Hiroshima Japan visit. Issey Miyake who voluntarily has the experience of being a atomic bomb victim contributes to the International Herald Tribune paper that exists in the subsidiary of the United States New York Times Co.. It is called that it visits Hiroshima the President United States Barack Obama. It was described in talking about the experience of being a atomic bomb victim after it had been confessed that Mr. Miyake was one person of alive the remainder to which oneself had experienced "Flash (so = atomic bomb that did not do)" that President Obama said, "A personal, ethical obligation is felt by not being before". Moreover, it is assumed that it is hoped that President Obama attends the 64th Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 6, and shows high expectations , saying that "When Mr. Obama walks in a peaceful bridge in Hiroshima ・・・ It will approach the construction of the world without the nuclear danger practically, and symbolically by one step".
In Mr. Miyake's who was exposed to radiation at seven years old in Hiroshima having made the experience of being a atomic bomb victim public, this time is the first time. It is said that talking about the dislike and the experience of being a atomic bomb victim will have avoided being labeled, "Designer who survived the atomic bomb". Mother who was exposed to radiation seemed to have died the three years later. It is not thought be to good when Obama achieves this wish in the form of something.

Mr.Crart Campbell
Mr Campbell. CEO of beginner country security laboratory (CNAS) and front (CSIS) sub-heads
The former U.S. national defense Assistant Deputy Under Secretary (east Asia and Pacific Ocean charge). Mr. Campbell assumes the position of CEO in beginner country security laboratory (CNAS) in January, 2007. Moreover, the representative of the StratAsia Co. that offers strategic advice of Asia that the edit chairman and oneself of the Washington Quarterly magazine that the director of the Aspen strategy group and CSIS issue established also is serving. It serves as the director in Co., Woods hall oceanic laboratory, Australian U.S. leader conversation (Australian American Leadership Dialogue), William and Mary Reves Center, the STS technology company, the Civitas Co., the Department of Defense memorial fund, and the new media strategy company. They are members such as U.S. Council on Foreign Relations and International Institute for Strategic Studies. An American Strategy for the Campaign against Terrorism" " To collaboration "Hard Power: The New Politics of National Security" : to the To Prevail coeditorship" The Nuclear Tipping Point" extends and writing in the newspaper and the magazine like a certain another, book number volume, and The New York Times, etc. extends widely.


自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 今日は月面着陸40周年」を特集しています。

米国大使館発行のAmerican View SUMMER EDITIONは人類初の月面着陸(1969年7月20日)から40周年を記念する特集号を打っています。アポロ11号の宇宙飛行士のレポート、そしてオバマ大統領の国際宇宙ステーションとスペースシャトル・ディスカバリーの乗組員との通信記録。そして将来の宇宙旅行の商業化についての


関連 セリカン トルコ出張 http://blog.anilir.net/  

Surface of the moon feature

It is 40 moon landing anniversaries today" is featured.

American View SUMMER EDITION of the United States embassy issue strikes the special number in which the 40th anniversary from the first moon landing (July 20, 1969) in the human race is commemorated. Communications records with crew of report of astronaut of the 11th Apollo and President Obama's International Space Stations and space shuttle discoveries. And, the space travel in the future is commercialized. It talks about the space transportation industry.

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実際 現在なぜこの計画が盛んに行われているか?それはも天然資源ヘリウム3が多いからです。

現在月には、100万トン前後のヘリウム3が埋蔵されていると推定されるが、25トンのヘリウム3で、欧州連合、EUと米国を合わせた1年分の消費電力をまかなえるとされる。このほかにも、火星探査など長期の宇宙ミッションに参加する宇宙飛行士の訓練や宇宙空間に慣れる場としても、月は理想的な場所だと米航空宇宙局NASAはみている。 現在の技術では、38万4400キロ離れた月に到達するまで、シャトルで4日間かかる。


Space industry. Orbit elevator. Elevator wth orbit that expands from surface such as planets more than geostationary orbit.Or, it is called former baced on, an alias orbit tower, a space elevator, a synchronous elevator, and the geostationary orbit elevator, etc. in the concept. Do you actually know Jakob in "Cable car of the heaven" and Old Testament Genesis from the naming of proposer by the former Soviet Union?It connects with space and the heaven like "Jakob's palm" or Jack and the Beanstalk, etc. by the fairy tale.

There is a talk. The conveyor moves up and down along the structure (tower, rail, and cable, etc.) postponed from the ground more than the geostationary orbit and the orbit elevator enables the transportation of the goods between space and the earth.

It is originally a plan that goods can be sent to space by using it as electric power more safely than the rocket, and far more low-cost. The mystery etc. actually : the orbit elevator with necessary strength theoretically because the material with strength necessary to construct the orbit elevator did not exist before though it was the one not dressed.

The whisker etc. discover it. In addition, is does it become the 20th end of the century and Nano cybe

It is the one that t can be achieved by discovering Bonn and the project is made.

Why is this plan actively actually held now.Its because there is a lot of Nauralr sauce Helium,

Surface of the earth never comes in contact with water and air because the atmosphere doesn't exist in fact in the moon. The geological features change seen in the earth has not occurred. Helium 3 seems to have been accumulated in the soil of the moon abundantly, and helium 3 generated in the outside layer in the sun is what in this where the sun has flown on the wind though it is a state of the white paper geological. It is usual that helium 3 that reaches the earth is blown off because of the magnetic pole and doesn't remain.
Helium 3 is an extremely useful as fuel about the nuclear fusion power generation gas. Does the technology of the nuclear fusion power generation become a gas very found useful though it is still at the early stage?
It is assumed that power consumption that sets the European Union and EU to the United States can be covered for one year by helium 3 of 25 tons though it is presumed for helium 3 before and behind the megaton to be buried under the moon now. National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA thinks that the moon is an ideal place even if it makes it to the place that becomes accustomed to training and the space of the astronaut who participates in a long-term space mission like Martian exploration etc. besides this. It takes four days in the shuttle in a present technology until reaching the moon away by 384,400 kilos.