U.S. President Obama's Islam policy


Well, the production of the movie was Hiroo the other day. The pasteboard dump at that time was an organization related to the oil of Japan. Ambassador Israel's of plus uncle uncles in embassy in plus Arab such as Cosmo Oil, Idemitsu, Mitsui & Co., Ltd., and C.Itoh & Co. Ltd. Obama is the Middle East and informs you of the result of talking the other day as U.S. President Obama's Islam policy of the first in the United States this month though visited Europe. In addition, the Obama political power is given to diplomatic establishments abroad all over the world and the instruction has been given to the diplomat in Iran where the diplomatic relation doesn't exist at the party of "American Independence Day" on July 4 to put out the invitation recently. A new relation between the United States and Iran starts by this calling or it is paid attention. It introduces it because there was writing just similar thing reason and a saying similar thing.

It is referring to writer's N and dull wish's opinions from Israel cooperation business, M, and Byrd Managing Director and Egypt in the United States in this now. From Sankei

U.S. President Obama is strengthening the approach for Islamic society as the speech in Egypt etc.How does the pro-Israel group with the strong influence in the United States see such president movement?It was asked writer Dull NoniWish who had US nationality from Egypt now as the Mitchell Byrd of U.S. Israel cooperation business (AICE) Managing Director.

The other day.Obama president visited Middle East Europe and Egypt .
President Obama urged the acceptance of "Two national coexistence idea" of Israel and Palestine at the conference with the Netanyahu Prime Minister in the speech in Egypt and Israel the 18th of last month.
Byrd「There is no other party who negotiates in the meaning of the truth in Israel. (Palestine)Because the dominion of Gaza Strip (Israeli fundamentalism organization) is being deprived by Hamas though it agrees with Israel, the chairperson of the Abbas autonomy government the implementation of mutual agreement cannot be done. 」

Dull wish「The U.S. media are always asked to the U.S. President, 'How is it turned the heat to Israel and is the concession urged?'However, it is not heard, 'Why is not the concession urged on Palestine?' on the Arab sidePalestinian who was born in the heating pad cannot take the nationality of Egypt. Pressure that presses their efforts doesn't become strong though it thinks power that brings about peace from the United States to be in Arab. 」

President Obama is appealing to the Arab society including the speech in Egypt.
Dull wish「Is the profound change substantially brought though people in Arab might become hearing the speech liking President Obama?It doesn't connect with the settlement of the issue only in a wonderful word. 」

In the president, the speech and the conference with the Netanyahu Prime Minister are Byrd who strongly requested the construction discontinuance of Jewish settlement in West Bank. 「There are neither policy of the current United States nor any changes. The United States has continued to oppose the settlement. On the other hand, Israel says that they will not stop movement to construct the dwelling for the family. Where President Obama turns the heat is not understood. In Israel, there is no atmosphere of assuming that it came to receive the threat to say nothing of peace, and conceding in the settlement in West Bank though it withdrew from the settlement in Gaza Strip. Israel thinks safety to be top priority by experiencing the war of three degrees every nine years in the past. 」

There is a criticism in the choice of Egypt where the President Mubarak's despotism continues as the place where the president does the speech for Islamic society, too.

Dull wish「No good policy putting pressure on Egypt. (organization of Israeli fundamentalism of Egypt)Muslim Brotherhood is aiming at the political power overthrow. When they are in power, Egypt becomes like Iran. Aren't choices of the United States a good political powers or bad political powers?It is bad or the worst. It is Mubarak or it is the son or it is Muslim Brotherhood. 」

President Obama showed the intention that would ascertain the progress condition by the end of the year about the conversation with Iran at the conference with the Netanyahu Prime Minister. Does Israel urge the military means when there is no progress?
Byrd「Perhaps, Israel also thinks the military strike to be a last-resort measure. In the U.S. political power, the military means also has the opinion that there is an opinion that it is necessary to exclude it as choices, too and it is necessary to prepare it. President Obama's posture is not made clear. This is to be able to say also to Israel. Can you allow it up to which extent though were the discussion of being exceed a line when Iran comes to have the nuclear fuel for the nuclear weapon manufacturing in Israel?There is no positive proof though it doesn't know what result you invite if it launches out into the military campaign. Does Israel attack Iran to the point where opposite in the United States is faced out?Does not only the nuclear establishment but also an oil facilities or Iranian Guidance Division aim when attacking it?A very difficult decision is urged. 」

The discussion where a nuclear deterrent of the United States functions has come out even if coming round the nuclear issue with North Korea.
Byrd「There is a possibility of inviting the miserable end though safety in South Korea and Japan doesn't know how to become it when North Korea is attacked. If nothing is done on the other hand, it is justifiable that the voice to doubt the reliability of the deterrent of the United States is raised. 」

Will North Korea and nuclear possession of Iran put the emphasis on the prevention of diffusion admitting in fact if becoming it when the military means is difficult?
Byrd「There are people who insist that it can control it as indicated in the example of the cold war era or India and Pakistan if it is only Iran. However, President Ahmadinejad is reciting the Israel erasure differing from other countries for Iran in a public way. It is opaque how the element of the religion works. How do you do if the nucleus extends to not only Iran but also other Middle East nations?Or, very if the nucleus extends to the terror cell, do it become it?It is a very troublesome problem. 」

How is the current state of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) the establishment Fatah that leads chairperson Abbas seen though it returns to the middle eastern peace?
Byrd「Many of executives of PLO had the problem of graft. It has still a lot of problems though the approach of the reform is done. The rot of the type that Hamas is different from Fatah is held. Executive Hamas have received the supply such as the fuels not to be able to enjoy the general population of Palestine that lives in Gaza. 」

The current state of the negotiation of Israel and Syria
Byrd「There is a person that mutual agreement with Syria is near in the friend in my Israel. Syria says that they will request the United States to participate in the negotiation. I want to advance not only Israel but also improvements in relations with the United States. The Netanyahu Prime Minister starts the negotiation with Syria when it is a last time Prime Minister, and will work ardently. However, Syria is relate Iran, many years, and deep, and is uncertain how it becomes it. If the peace of Israel and Syria is achieved, the substantial change is brought to the situation of Lebanon and Palestine. When the history of Israel is seen, the hard-liner has achieved the Peace Agreement. Being able creep such as Prime Minister Chalon who decided Prime Minister Begin and the Gaza withdrawal that achieved peace with Egypt was a hard-liner. I think that there is an intention that does a dramatic thing in the Netanyahu Prime Minister. 」





 バード氏 「イスラエル には真の意味で交渉をする相手がいない。(パレスチナの)アッバス自治政府議長はイスラエル側と合意しても、ガザ地区の支配権を(イスラエル原理主義 組織)ハマス に奪われているので、合意を履行できない」

 ダルウィッシュ氏「米メディアはいつも米大統領に『イスラエル にどのように圧力をかけ譲歩を迫るか』と聞く。しかし、アラブ側には『なぜパレスチナに譲歩を迫らないのか』とは聞かない。カイロで生まれたパレスチナ人がエジプトの国籍をとることはできない。アラブには米国よりも平和をもたらす力はあると思うが、彼らの努力を促す圧力は強まることはない」


-大統領は演説でも、ネタニヤフ首相との会談でも、ヨルダン川西岸のユダヤ人入植地の建設中止を強く求めた バード氏「これまでの米国の政策と何ら変わりない。米国は入植地に反対しつづけてきた。これに対して、イスラエル側は家族のために住居を建設する動きを止めることはしないと言っている。オバマ大統領がどこまで圧力をかけてくるかはわからない。イスラエル国内には、ガザ地区の入植地から撤収したにもかかわらず、平和どころか脅威を受けるようになったとして、ヨルダン川西岸の入植地で譲歩しようという雰囲気はない。過去9年で3度の戦争を経験し、イスラエル は安全を最優先と考えている」


 ダルウィッシュ氏「エジプト に圧力をかけるのは得策ではない。(エジプトのイスラエル原理主義組織)ムスリム同胞団は政権転覆をねらっている。彼らが政権を握ったら、エジプトはイランのようになってしまう。米国の選択肢は、よい政権か悪い政権かではない。悪いか最悪かだ。つまり、ムバラクかその息子か、それともムスリム同胞団かということだ」

 -オバマ大統領 はネタニヤフ首相との会談で、イランとの対話について、年末までに進展具合を見極める意向を示した。進展がない場合、イスラエルは軍事的手段を迫ってくるか
 バード氏「イスラエルもおそらく軍事攻撃は最後の手段と思っている。米政権内には、軍事手段は選択肢として排除すべきとの意見もあれば、準備しておくべきとの意見もある。オバマ大統領の姿勢ははっきりしない。これはイスラエルにも言えることだ。イスラエル国内ではイラン が核兵器製造のための核燃料を保有するようになったら一線を越えたことになるとの議論があったが、どの程度まで許容できるのか。仮に軍事行動に踏み切ればどのような結果を招くのか確証がない。イスラエルは米国の反対を押し切ってまでイランを攻撃するのか。攻撃する場合は、核施設だけでなく石油施設、あるいはイラン指導部までねらうのか。非常に困難な決断を迫られる」

-北朝鮮の核問題 をめぐっても、米国の核抑止力がどこまで機能するのかという議論が出てきている
 バード 氏「北朝鮮 を攻撃したら、韓国 や日本の安全はどうなるのか、悲惨な結果を招く可能性がある。その一方で、何もしなければ米国の抑止力の信頼性を疑問視する声が出てくるのはもっともなことだ」

 -軍事的手段が難しいとなれば、北朝鮮 やイランの核保有は事実上認めて、拡散を防ぐことに力点を置くことになるのか
 バード 氏「イラン だけなら冷戦時代、あるいはインドやパキスタンの例にみられるように抑止はできると主張する人たちはいる。しかし、イランの場合、他の国とは違ってアフマディネジャド 大統領がイスラエル 抹殺を公然と唱えている。宗教の要素がどう働くか不透明だ。イラン だけでなく他の中東諸国に核が広がればどうするのか。あるいはテロ組織に核が渡ったらどうなるのか。非常にやっかいな問題だ」

 -中東和平に戻るが、アッバス議長率いるパレスチナ 解放機構(PLO)主流派ファタハ の現状をどうみているか
 バード 氏「PLO幹部の多くは、汚職の問題を抱えていた。改革の取り組みは行われているが、まだ多くの問題を抱えている。ハマス もファタハ とは異なるタイプの腐敗を抱えている。ハマス 幹部たちはガザに住むパレスチナの一般住民が享受できていない燃料などの供給を受けている」

 -イスラエル とシリアの交渉の現状は
 バード 氏「私のイスラエルの友人のなかには、シリア との合意は近いという人がいる。シリア は米国の交渉への参加を求めているという。イスラエル だけでなく米国 との関係改善も進めたいということだろう。ネタニヤフ 首相は前回首相のときシリア との交渉を始めており、熱心に取り組むだろう。ただ、シリア はイラン との長年の深い関係があり、どうなるかは不明だ。仮にイスラエル とシリア との和平が実現したら、レバノン 、パレスチナの情勢に大きな変化をもたらす。イスラエルの歴史をみると、強硬派のほうが和平合意を実現してきた。エジプト との和平を達成したベギン首相、ガザ撤退を決めたシャロン首相らはいずれも強硬派だった。ネタニヤフ 首相には劇的なことをする意思があると思う」