自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter

2009/05/17 (Sun) 12:00 ...

FRANCE TOKYO PIC NIC Yoyogi Park - Tokyo

free !!!everybody brings food, juice, wine ....
CONTACT は ANTHONY 080 6650 6988

2009/05/17 (Sun) 12:00 ...

FRANCE TOKYO PIC NIC Yoyogi Park - Tokyo

free !!!everybody brings food, juice, wine ....
CONTACT is ANTHONY 080 6650 6988.


The spokesperson of Ian Department of State Lee announced the statement that showed the intention of the welcome of the approval of the agreement of lived Okinawa U.S. Marine Corps of the Guam move in the Diet though the story of the White House was written yesterday though it was a bytalk. As for Japanese Government, to move 8000 Okinawa lives Marine Corps people to Guam by 2014, the content of the donation of 2.8 billion dollars or less (about 270 billion yen) as the project expense of the road maintenance of U.S. bases that exist in Guam etc. etc. is included in the agreement.
By the way, slowly by using the pancake mix today ・・・ The volume of the pancake.
French..picnic..meeting..pancake..take..good.Is the rice ball good?Pancake. And, the mini pizza that uses the source of the pancake can be done.

How with tea?

フランス人のピクニックの会はいけないかもしれないけどパンケーキもっていくのもいいですね。おにぎりでもいいですか? パンケーキ。そしてパンケーキの素をつかったミニピザできるね

自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 紅茶とどうですか??



自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter これにはスピルバーグの大のお気に入りである俳優さん

「トランスフォーマー/リベンジ」は6月20日(土)よりTOHOシネマズ日劇他 世界最速ロードショー。
登壇予定 シャイア・ラブーフ、ミーガン・フォックス、マイケル・ベイとなっています。ミーガンフォックスといえばセクシー系にのお姉さんですが、このかたも素顔とのギャップがすごくある子で、素はジーパンの自然体な子ですが、映像をとるとセクシー系に変わってしまう小悪魔さんです。
自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 素から→自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter こんな感じになります。

シャイア・ラブーフは自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter こんな感じで、マイケル・ベイは自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 美人に弱い。。
Well, the Michael bay and Steven Spielberg unite tag, and the toy of a Japanese birth is "Transformer" in the theme made into a film. It is a matter of the world premiere of the long-awaited latest work "Transformer/revenge".

It has been decided to be held in Japan on June 8.

It is Spielberg's great favorite actor in this.

The main Cast staff such as Megan Fox and the Michael bay that become a hit by Shire [rabu-fu] and the former work plans to become complete, and the sale of [toi] to which the festival at the previous night is held on May 29 this month is May 30. It becomes release at the velocity all over the world. Moreover, because opening the velocity of the world to the public has been decided from the United States to the movie release further on an early June 20 even on the fourth, it becomes all with the Japanese velocity. Therefore, hot remarkable from a moviegoer all over the world is correct. The advertisement is dropped in large quantities by TV, the newspaper, the station, and the street vision, etc. about the close of last month, and, in addition, three-meter (side)"Super-hugeness [sutandei;] two meter (length)×" is posted in 300 theaters or more in the whole country in the theater. It is a Jack plan of "Transformer" before [nazukete] is opened to the public.
"Transformer/revenge" is a premiere of the TOHO shinemas day of the velocity of the play and others world from Saturday, June 20.
It is schedule of ascending the platform Shire Rabufu, it is Megan Fox, and the Michael bay. Up to the gap with the real face is ..this person.. terrible and when the image is taken, it is goblin who changes into the sexy system though it is sexy as for Megan Fox though the source is ..natural style of leaves..
→ becomes such feeling from the source.

Shire Rabufu is such feeling, and the Michael bay is weak to the beautiful woman


さらに別の試写もいけるかな>ドレスコードはレッド色・・HP スペイン語の歌が結構好きですよ 聞いてみて


eiga 恋するバルセロナ‥ There is a song of HP Spanish ....favor considerably.
自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter

Still, Barcelona of which it falls in love. It is a considerably complicated story in Cast that performs Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson, and the Rebecca hall. The story is Christina who requests Vicki who is engaged to a steady man with careful sect a free, passionate love. A positive, opposite best friend comes to Barcelona mutually to spend the person summer. Then, two people meet an attractive painter and fan Antonio. It is Christina that withers in the fan at one view. And, Vicki withers him, too. However, do the ex-wife and Maria Elena of a beautiful, intense fan show up there。

Barcelona where it falls in love eiga


As special project with female information magazine "Frau", it is "Frau" in cinema cafe[shinemaかふぇkafe] this time to stimulate woman's lifestyle in holding by theme unique by issue as for female limitation preview. Female limitation SNS site in which it was born from magazine「Frau and I. com」Then, love, the travel, and the hobby … It is possible to talk about a favorite theme by the woman freely. Of course, the community that exchanges information on the movie also :.

Special event in which feminine readers of "Shinemacafe" and "Frau" gather. Story that girls toque rises at night.

19:00 opening the doors/United cinema Toyosu on magazine publishing preview Thursday, 18th 18:30 of June

Please come in the fashion to which "Red" that blazes up that burns with love to love outside assumption commemorating the movie is taken on that day. New foundation "Toho-macchiminerarufandae-shon" of a conscious skin of 95% mineral element is scheduled to be presented from L'Oreal Paris to all those who come though it is a special present for the best dresser.

Please acknowledge that this preview cannot enter for the female limitation the man for taking humbly. Please cooperate in taking a picture about the pattern of that day. The movie is supervisor Woody Allen Javier Bardem, is Penelope Cruz, is Scarlett Johansson, and is distributed the Rebecca hall: Asmicace -
copy;2008 Gravier Productions, Inc. and MediaProduccion, S.L.

それでも恋するバルセロナ。キャストで結構入り組んでいましたペネロペ・クルス、スカーレット・ヨハンソン、レベッカ・ホール 演じる物語です。物語は慎重派で堅実な男性と婚約中のヴィッキーと、自由奔放で情熱的な恋愛を求めるクリスティーナ。正反対な親友同士は、ひと夏を過ごすためにバルセロナへやって来る。そこで2人は魅力的な画家、フアン・アントニオと出会う。一目でフアンに惹かれたクリスティーナ。そして、ヴィッキーもまた彼に惹かれていく…。だが、そこに美しく激しいフアンの元妻、マリア・エレナが現れて――?自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter



雑誌掲載試写会 6月18日(木)18:30開場/19:00開映 

当日は映画にちなんで、想定外の恋に身を焦がすような、燃え上がる「赤」を取り入れたファッションでご来場ください。ベストドレッサーには特別プレゼントとなっていますがロレアル パリ より来場者全員に95%ミネラル成分のスキンコンシャスな新ファンデーション「トゥルー マッチ ミネラル ファンデーション」をプレゼントをする予定。
自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter

本試写会は女性限定で、お連れさまの場合でも、男性の方はご入場できませんので、何卒ご了承ください。当日の模様は写真撮影にご協力お願いいたします。映画はウディ・アレン 監督ハビエル・バルデム、ペネロペ・クルス、スカーレット・ヨハンソン、レベッカ・ホール 配給:アスミック・エース
©2008 Gravier Productions, Inc. and MediaProduccion, S.L.