この下のブログに現在来日をされているフランスのロスチャイルド家のフイリップ・ドゥ・ニコライ伯爵の会の話を書きましたが、なんと食事のはご自分でオーナーみずからシャトー・ラ・フィットを持参されたそうです。また参加された人々は自民党等政調会長さん、経済局長さん、パイオニアの方、建築家の隈研吾さん、実業家さん、エコノミストさんらと日本の経済を代表する人々が出席されました。しかしこの方はすごい方なんですね。親はバロン・ギー・ドゥ・ロスチャイルドさんで母方のニコライ姓を継いでいるそう。またフイリップ・ドゥ・ニコライ伯爵の奥様は元フランス大統領のジスカール・デスタン大統領の姪さんだそうで、まったく雲の上の人と会話しているような気分になるでしょうね。実際、先月開催された洞爺湖サミット。実際元をたどると、このフランスのジスカール・デスタン仏大統領(当時)の提案で世界経済問題(マクロ経済、通貨、貿易、エネルギーなど)に対する政策、協調について首脳レベルで議論する場を設けた1975年11月パリ郊外のランブイエ・城においての日、米、英、仏、独、伊の6か国による 第1回サミット首脳会議が最初であるといいます。あれから35年ほどすぎ、現在ではいわゆる経済大国だけでは話ができるという世間ではなくなって来ているようにも思うけれど、元の経済の世界レベルの話し合いの発端はこんなところからきていることを遅ればせながら知ることができます。



HSBC チャンピオンズ/アブダビ・ゴルフ選手権/ドバイ・デザート・クラシック

インディアン・マスターズ/マデイラ・アイランド・オープン /Valle Romano Open de Andalucia /ポルトガル・オープン /アジア・オープン オープン・デ・エスパーニャ/イタリア・オープン/アイリッシュ・オープン /BMW PGA選手権/ウェールズ・オープン /オーストリア・オープン /Open de Saint-Omer/BMWインターナショナル・オープン

オープン・ド・フランス /ヨーロピアン・オープン/スコティッシュ・オープン/ドイツ銀行 プレイヤーズ選手権 /スウェーデン・マスターズ /KLMオープン /ジョニー・ウォーカー選手権 /ヨーロピアン・マスターズ /メルセデス・ベンツ 選手権 /ブリティッシュ・マスターズ /アルフレッド・ダンヒル・リンクス選手権/HSBC世界マッチプレー選手権

ポルトガル・マスターズ /マヨルカ・クラシック/ボルボ ・マスターズ /ドバイ世界選手権 (2009年~)

As for meal, Chateau Lafite seems to have been brought to the owner voluntarily for myself very much though the story of the association of the Firipp Du Nikolai earl of the Rothschild family in France that had come to Japan to the blog under this now was written. Moreover, participating people are the president of Policy Research Committees, and heads of Economic Affairs Bureau such as the Liberal-Democratic Party.

People who represented the economy of Kengo Kuma pioneer and architect, businessman, economists, and Japan were attended. However, this is terrible one. Parents seem to be succeeding a maternal Nikolai family name by Barron ghee Du Rothschild. Moreover, Firipp Du Nikolai earl's madam seems to be President former France's President Giscard d'Estaing's niece, and it is likely to become feelings about which it completely talks with the person on the cloud.
Actually, Doya lake summit held last month. It is said on the day in Rambouillet and the castle in Paris suburbs in November, 1975 when the policy and cooperation with the world financial problem (macroeconomics, currency, trade, and energy, etc.) are discussed to trace the origin actually by the proposal of France President Giscard d'Estaing (at that time) in this France in the summit at the time of provided an opportunity the beginning the 1st summit summit by six countries of the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and Italy. About 35 years pass from that, and the beginning of the discussion about former economic world level can know coming from such a place belatedly as no people that it is possible to talk in a so-called economic power alone it now and becoming though it thinks.

Golf is the first the favor. earl Nikolai Philip moreoverThe former sub-chairman of France PGA has been, and the golf club producing company is privately established. Moreover, the topic spoken in this meeting was Dubai, a sea, and seemed be Delhi though the investment banking was European NO.1 now.

It seem to be what that doesn't come as for the GPA tour ‥.

HSBC Champions /Abu Dhabi golf championship/Dubai dessert classics http://www.dubaidesertclassic.com/

Indian Masters/Madeira island opening/Valle Romano Open de Andalucia/Portugal opening/Asia opening open De Espana/Italy opening/Irish opening/BMW PGA championship/Principality opening/Austria opening/international Open de Saint-Omer/BMW opening/Open Do France/European opening/Scottish opening/Deutsche Bank Player's championship/Sweden Masters/KLM opening/Johnnie Walker championship/European Masters/Mercedes Benz championship/British Masters/Alfred Dunhill links championship/HSBC world match play championship/Portugal Masters/Majorca classics/Volvo Masters/Dubai world championship(2009)







Well, it is cast Cast recruitment today.

There is a funny movie, too. 。

- 'Raiden-Blade (Leyden blur id)' LA taking a picture that draws
Japan where work deflecting that draws Japan futuristic in 2150
becomes war age, too.

Japanese leading part/supporting player/extra wanted.

It is a man and leading part Yoshitada (Yoshi free) post. See 20-24 years old.
Japanese. It is a man and supporting player Nobutaka (knob Taka) post. See 30?35 years old. Japanese.

It is a man and supporting player Seijuro (Sajuurou) post. See 13?15 years old.

It is a man and woman and extra's soldier post. Age pretermission. Japanese.
Soldier's position around knob Taka.

Story:Time is 2150. It ended, and the special sword that is called a Leyden blur id appears this time and the war has broken out in all places in the age of the gun. And, it was in a new war age also in Japan. It is understood that the purpose also of Saitou knob Taka who is the target who kills father is to subjugate my father's foe though the Sanada Yoshi free starts subjugating father's foe.
When he in addition to it is put in the prison by knob Taka, it is rescued by knob Taka's son Sajuurou. Knob Taka determines the Yoshi free putting things in order for the same reason though the Yoshi free is determined to permit knob Taka to end the repeated review play. The Yoshi free is to have had to fight with knob Taka who was the other party who did not want to kill. English higher rank.


監督 Dave Meyers、8月下旬ワシントン撮影。


- Superstar T.I of the U.S. hip hop field.

Latest music video dancer http://www.notrax.jp/bands/detail/00000269.html
Supervisor Dave Meyers and Washington taking a picture in the end of August.

Female dancer post recruitment. See 18-40 years old. Racial pretermission.
Dancer who has power of expression.
Deadline, August 13. Dance valuing.

◎舞台「 M・バタフライ」 舞台監督レック・チャールズ・リビングストーンさん。




 グの監督で映画化もされています。裸のランチ 特別版


- Stage " M and butterfly"

Mr. stage supervisor Reck Charles living stone.
The story is a work that drew diplomat in France and the Chinese's
mistresses' checkered love.

Different love story that was likened to Puccini's opera 'Madame Butterfly' and
drawn. It shines to Tony Award by the Broad way, and it is David presented by 30 countries or more in the world and Nre Hoa.

He is David Crornembar of dramatization and "Naked lunch" as for the drama of Ng (It is based on the true story).

Making into a film is done as a supervisor of G.

Recruitment condition。It stars by the man of the Asian man.

20─One's thirties. The post and the spy of a Chinese opera are
performed. Skill as a singer, dance, and acting ability. There are a nude and a
kiss scene. Taking a picture : in October, 2008. In Hollywood. The performance video etc. are submitted at a senior level for English.

『BRING IT ON(ブリング・イト・オン)』アジア人主役募集

監督 ビル・ウッドラフ 『ビューティー・ショップ』。主演俳優 クリスティーナ・ミリアン 『アメリカン・パイ』予定。



- The friendship of the cheerleading team is drawn.
'BRING IT ON (Bring Ito on)' Asian leading part wanted.

Supervisor building Woodruff 'Beauty shop'Starring actor Christina Milian 'American pie' schedule. Taking a picture schedule in autumn of 2008. LA.

Story:Mother who is the waitress marries with the billionaire.

It came to have to part from the distinguished family team of the cheerleading of the Los Angeles east district to move to the apartment house in new father's Malibu. Lena confounds it. However, at all new, Lena was not able to become familiar with the environment of inconvenient affluent and the cheerleading team and Sheraionz that aimed at the champion at all like a fish away from water.

Moreover, it falls in love with boy's Evan Howaitoboun in rich Caucasian in Malibu. Kick..character..bad..younger sister..cheerleading..team..star..variously..obstruct.
Have mountains of difficulties..go through..Lena..spring..rally..win the championship..new..classmate..cut..younger sister..friendship..love..bring up..confirm..story.English is a middle level.



募集配役 条件は全ての役にコメディーセンスのある方が優先。
お客1、2役 お店のお客、本を買う気もないが色々な質問をしようとする。

女性1、2役 コーヒーショップにいるレズビアンカップル。国籍不問。

本屋の店員  女性で40才まで、ビジネスライクにお客と接する。国籍不問。
- Christine Holt enters the collar Japanese syllabary 'Boston legal (TV)' and 'Wild fire
(TV)' for the producer as for "Scribl" supervisor of the movie this time. The story is
Jonathan Murphy from comedy story starring schedule Ireland that is concentrated of the
group that aims at the writer once a week and exchanges information.

All the posts' having the comedy sense gives priority over the recruitment cast

It tries to do various questions though it is not had a mind to buy the guest and
the book on 1 and 2 guest post shop.

Nationality pretermission.

Lesbian couple in coffee shop of 1 and 2 female posts. Nationality pretermission.

It practically receives the guest by the clerk woman in the bookstore until 40
years old. Nationality pretermission.

About October, 2008 of taking a picture. With LA. Middle level English.