MY Dream: Bridge the Gap

MY Dream: Bridge the Gap





says that the official language in Ghana is English. When you come to Accra,
you will believe that without any doubt. People like a vender, a taxi driver,
and a beggar etc. will all talk to you in English. However, once moving to
Tamale, even in the center of the city, you will realize things are different
here. Sometime, you will even find that you cannot make yourself understood in
English to a taxi driver. They speak in their own local language, Dagbani. In
Ghana, there are ten regions in which people speak different languages; even
within one region, we can hear multiple languages that do not share any thing
in common. In Twii, which is spoken in Accra, “Good morning” is “Ma akye”, for
instance. In Dagbani, we say “Antire” (BTW, “r” in Dagbani is pronounced like
“l” rather than “r” in English, which I think is easier for many Japanese to
master). What I want to emphasis here is that “Official language = English”
does not necessarily mean people in the country talk to each other in English
in their daily life.

learning English is very important for many Ghanaians. Almost all mothers I met
in Bognayili say that they want their children to master English so that in the
future they can enjoy better life. Majority of women say that they use their
income form shea butter processing for their children’s education. They value
the importance of education. On the other hand, many women complain that their
fathers and husbands do not understand how important education is for their
children’s future. One of my good friends in Bognayili said, “There is a “local
perception” that boys are to be farmers and girls are to be housewives. Many
old men in this community do not value education, in particular for girls.” For
the record, not all men in Bognayili think that way. Many, including my host
father Zak, believe that education will better children’s future. He himself could
not complete junior high school, because he said his father wanted him to stay
at the farm rather than going to school. Zak has supported his siblings in many
ways to keep going to school; one of his little brothers is now studying for
collage, living in a dormitory in the town. He says that he wants to send all
his children to collage, and hopefully to graduate school.

perception” is, however, only one of the many reasons that have hindered many
children from going to junior high school, senior high school and/or collage.
Distance to school from the village is one of the reasons. If they are lucky
enough to get a bicycle, they can commute to school in two or three hours. Two
or three hours! You will easily guess how long it will take for those who
cannot afford a bike. Such a challenge may even crush enthusiasm of children

Abdul told me
how he himself managed to continue his education (he’s now taking an entrance
exam for collage), being supported by his uncle Zak. Following his example,
Abdul has also encouraged his siblings to make their maximum effort at school.
At the end of every school term, he says he collects his little sisters’ and
brothers’ report cards and sees who did the best in that term. He gives prize
to the one who performed the best, such as a bicycle, stationery, and books
etc. For prize, little siblings compete each other and try to get better grade
in school, which make them to study very hard. Sometimes he even pays a part of
school fee for them. All these money come from his part-time job in the town.

In the
village, even at school time, you can find a lot of kids hanging around. Once
finding me, they run up to me, saying “Yukari, Yukari, Yukari!!!” I cannot tell
you how adorable they are. They are super cute. Their smile and cheerfulness
always make me feel very happy. Zenatu, the oldest girl I met during school
time in the village, is maybe at junior-high age. However, she does not speak
English at all (In Ghana, children are taught English from the upper grades of
primary school), which means she has not gone to school. But she does not look
miserable or anything. She always has smile in her face. She looks happy even
though she is not going to school with her neighboring children at her age.

“Why do I
have to study?” I think many of us have asked this question to our parents
and/or teachers. I have talked about this huge theme with my littlest sister
who is now in high school. I don’t have a perfect answer to this question,
however I believe, from my own experience, that education has increased options
in my life.

Because I
learned how to speak English to some extent, I can communicate with people in
the world without an interpreter. Because I know how to read, how to use a
computer and the Internet, I can obtain quite a volume of information, which
enlarges my knowledge. If I didn’t go to senior high school, collage or graduate
school, I would not have met teachers and friends who taught me a lot of things
that I would not have learned out of school. Education has expanded my outlook
and allowed me to know the world that I had not seen before, which actually
helped me realize what I want to do in my life.

One of the
women I interviewed said she had earned more from her previous job, rice
processing, than from shea butter processing. I asked her why she quit
processing rice and chose shea abutter. She said, “Because my friends said I
had better join them.” Zak asked some questions to her and realized that she
does not even realize that rice processing enables her to earn more than shea
butter processing, since she does not know how to calculate, how to compare her
income from either job. Well, working with friends may mean more important thing
than earning slightly better income for her, but the monetary loss she has suffered
is maybe due to lack of education. Contrarily, another woman told me that she
invests her income for farming yields. She buys maize and corn etc. in their
harvest seasons, and then sells them when the price rises, which enable her to
gain a profit margin. She learned how to calculate and how to increase her
money through a workshop held in the town.

Education may
not be the cure-all. I don’t say that investing for children’s education will immediately
solve all the issues such as poverty, ill sanitation, prevalence of disease,
and so forth. But in long run, I believe education has a power to change things
for the better.

If Zak received
higher education, he would not have found difficulty in writing a proposal in
English for grant to build a warehouse for the shea butter processing center.
If the women who left a job of rice processing knew how to calculate, she would
have been able to keep earning more money and pay hospital fee for her

That is why I
hope more children in Bognayili will be able to enjoy education from very early
stage of their lives. I also hope that the kindergarten project, which is driven
by the community leaders, will appeal to traditional “local perception” and enable
as many children as possible to keep going to school.













Project Webpage:

Since June 2012, I have spent a lot of time with people in a village in Northern Ghana, Bognayili. 

Every time when I visit the community, I find little kids singing a song or chanting English words under the biggest tree in the community.

That is their kindergarten.

When it rains, however, the tree no longer plays a role of kindergarten. It cannot protect children from rain. Therefore, in rainy days, children have no place to go and just stay at home. 

Now, it is rainy season in Northern Ghana. More than every other day, it rains. The more it rains, the less children have a chance to learn.

What if they had a building with a roof, which protect them from rain? 

What if they had a building, which can accomodate more than 100 children and a teacher? 

What if they had a building, which allow children to come to kindergarten everyday?

I believe the building will definitely change their life.

They already have a teacher, a system of kindergarten and a number of children who are willing to go to kindergarten.

The only thing that is missing in Bognayili is a building, which allows kids to go to kindergarten even in the rain.

In coorporation with the secretary of the community, Mr. Sayibu Zakaria, I started raising US$2,500, which is needed to build a kindergarten building for these children. Community members, mainly parents of kids will also make some contribution for necessary equipments etc.

I hope you will join us! Your donation will change the lives of children in Bognayili!

How to donate...

For friends in the US


Please mail your check with a note of your name and contact information to:

TBD (P.O. Box will be available from around the 23rd August.)


Please click the link and you can make contribution:¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted

For friends in Japan

[Transfer money to My Bank Account]

Please contact me directly on facebook ( and I will let you know of my bank account, to which you can send your contribution.

[Paypal] - Avainable only in English

If you can use Paypal, please click the link and you can make contribution:¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted

Thank you all for your kind cooperation!













ご協力いただける方は、私まで直接メッセージをください(フェイスブック: 。送金いただける口座番号をお伝えします。





Education for All政策を導入してから、かなりの数の子どもたちが小学校に入学し、卒業したのは本当だと思う。日本含め多くのドナーがその実現に協力してきたんだと思う。確かに、訪れたどの小学校も、子どもで溢れかえっていた。時には教室に入りきらないほどに。

















a glance: Ghana—Statistics”. Retrieved from

- Etsey, K.,
Smith, T. M., Gyamera, E., Koka, J., Boer, J. D., Havi, E., & Heyneman, S.
P. (2009). “Review of Basic Education Quality in Ghana”. USAID. Retrieved from