Old boy | 英語な1日-今日学んだ英語&今日の出来事 in Japanese & English-

Old boy


I watched "Old boy".

ジェネオン エンタテインメント
オールド・ボーイ プレミアム・エディション



To be honest with you, I'm not a Korean movies' fan. So, I wasn't interested in this movie, either.

However, my coworker said "old boy is a perfect movie!!!". He is a movie nerd and has watched lots of movies, so I thought "Well, ok. I'll check it".




The story was based on a Japanese comic. A guy was kidnapped and had been imprisoned for 15 years in a room without explanation. And one day, he was suddenly released.

Why was he confined? Why was it for 15 years? Who is the criminal? He tried to find out answers and the answers were..... I can't tell the end!!!!




It was surprising!!!!

Actually, the end wasn't happy or rather sad. And I'm sure that this movie isn't universally accepted. I guess many people, especially women, don't like it because some scenes were so gross and the theme was also kind of disgusting.



However, for me, it was interesting. I was surprised the reason why he was imprisoned.

I thought the reason was kind of cheep, though.... In this respect, It was a typical Korean movie....


Anyway, if you don't mind violence and explicit sexual scenes, I guess this film is worth seeing.