His Genuine Traditional British Breakfast | Yoyo Market's Blog

His Genuine Traditional British Breakfast

Truth be told, I'm not much of one for meal preparation in the morning. I generally like to get up (after fighting with a nice warm duvet on a winter's day) and go. But I know it's important to eat breakfast.

Ever since I was a kid, the vast majority of the time breakfast has comprised of a bowl of cereal. Sure many people know about the Traditional British Breakfast, and I do love that by the way, for me  and the kids growing up in my area, that was more of a treat, and it VERY rarely happened during the week. Mainly as everyone has to get to school or work, there's little time to faff about with sausages, beans, toast, eggs, fried bread, hash browns ... mushrooms ... bacon ... black pudding ... *drool*.

Where was I? Oh yes.

If you want a genuine British breakfast, to me breakfast cereal is the way to go. Now we at Yoyo Market do have a good range of cereals, with my favourite being the Kellogg's Frosties. Why you ask?

They're grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

But there are some cereals we just can't stock yet; I'm waiting for the day we can get Rice Krispies and Sugar Puffs.

But it's not only the cereal, you have to have a milk that suits you when it comes to a good breakfast. Again we have a wide variety of milks to choose from, including milks made from soy and rice. But here's a type of milk I've never seen before, and definitely haven't seen at Costco.

Oh, homo milk is short for homogenized milk? Ahhhhhh! Naruhodo.