Munenori Kawasaki (Toronto Blue Jays) 川崎宗則エピソード | ザ・日記



Munenori Kawasaki, a major league player, belongs to Toronto Blue Jays from this year.
(Last year, he started his career of major league in Seattle Mariners)

Because they are caught by his character, he is very popular among Toronto people even though he is a player whose average is around .200 and not play the game regularly.

It is hard to find the articles of Japanese major league player but he is not.

I can find some articles about him easily.

Give movies and articles.

First, he always do "bowing" after nice playing happens.

This movie includes his homeran.

Second, his communication skill can be beyond any obstacles. I introduce his interview.

Interviewer asked in poor Japanese that where is the toilet. But Kawasaki realized that "How is Toronto city?". If you can understand Japanese language, you can laugh louder twice.

And one more interview,

He called team's coach "yo- coach" in Japanese.
Moreover, his dancing was admired in this interview. That's funny.

Then, more episodes about his interview.

Last one is TV program. As soon as he showed up, interviewer started laughing.

Next, I show you some articles about him.

This article is interesting articles. You can get how he is loved. Writer gives 16 reasons why Kawasaki are loved by many fun.

Next aricle is about his down to minor league. He was asked in English about last message for his fan, he answered "I'm hungry". He is crazy!!!

Considering above things, you can learn how he is lovely guy.

I do expect his fantastic playing and performances in minor leagues.

And hope he will come back to Blue Jays again !!!