ニコ動: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18217430

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiM2CcDae7s




Music: KEI

English Lyrics: Raphie

Song: Raphie




It's alright; it's fine. I am willing to play the fool for you

In this circus I am just a small, nameless pierrot

I was on top of the round, moon-like ball

And I was performing a balancing act for you

I tripped idiotically on purpose

Making people laugh at me was my only job

But then when I noticed you crying in the audience

I told you not to put on such a miserable face

Neither papa nor mama knew that your face was full of tears, so then I

Realized that I was obliged to wipe them away

"It's alright; it's fine. I do not feel any misery at all.

Please just keep on laughing so I can be happy."

It's alright; it's fine. All I can do is to make clumsy falls

After all I am just a little, nameless pierrot

You once would not stop weeping, and you said:

"All of the lies you tell make me feel painful and sad"

I answered, "I never told you a lie"

But when I said that, you bursted crying again

"Please show me your real face, your face under that mask

Show me the unpainted face you hide from the audience

Feeling misery when you get hurt, letting tears fall down when you feel sad

It's not shameful to have natural emotions

It's alright; it's fine. Don't feel compelled to show your smiling face.

It is okay; please do not lie to me again.

It's alright; it's fine. There is no need for you to feel alone.

Let me carry your burden; I'll be here for you."

It's alright; it's fine. Thank you for finding my true face for me.

The real face I haven't seen, and have forgotten.

"It's alright; it's fine." This phrase sounds like magic to me because now

I'm no longer lying pierrot

The liar has vanished in the dark.