=終戦記念日= 世界へ向けて☆彡 | ウォーターマムより〝母なる水…ひまわり水〟みんなで広げよう!エコロジーの輪 (*^o^)/\(^-^*)

ウォーターマムより〝母なる水…ひまわり水〟みんなで広げよう!エコロジーの輪 (*^o^)/\(^-^*)

★ 将来世代へ向けた持続可能な社会のために ★
☆ 磁気入浴用品エコロジーバスグッズはおん ☆ 横浜市金沢区の街紹介 ☆ 代表ブログなどなど ☆
海と緑と歴史のまち 横浜市 『金沢区』 から発信☆彡

ドキドキ - 戦 争 反 対 - ドキドキ

~ 核なき世界を ~

In the not far past…
Japan attacked neighboring countries for invasion,
and treated those people like animals.
That fact is evident globally now, and
the world is aware of Japan's barbarism.

In Japan at August 1945, the atomic bomb aimed
at citizens was dropped twice by the United States,
and Japan became the miserable defeated country...

Japan has not stopped in miserable circumstances,
and does not hate the United States, and
has been striving to restructure and develop
the nation while contributing to world peace.

〝Does your country contribute to world peace?
Will you continue the ugly conflict caused by
religion or faith forever?〟

Our life is only once, and because it is finite,
We must live preciously for our future.
Even now it does not have the time to
open or close the door for hate the past,
and there is no time to rely on God
who has never been seen.

Possess nuclear weapons ?

Use it someday ?

Don't you have the courage to give it up ?

At 08:16 am on August 6, 1945... 79 years ago,
The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima...
Use of the first nuclear weapons in human history

At 11:02 am on August 9, 1945... 79 years ago,
The atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki...
Use of the last nuclear weapons in human history

The world should never repeat deplorable past again☆彡

ドキドキ Wish for world without nuclear weapons ドキドキ

ドキドキPray for Peace in the worldドキドキ
ラブラブArigatou for loving Japanラブラブ

*:.。. .。.:*・゜・**:.。. .。.:*・゜・**:.。. .。.:*・゜・**:.。. .。.:*・゜・*