Actually, today I cooked Buta-don.
Gyu means beef, but I used buta today. Buta is pork.(It is cheeper than beef! )

First of all, chopped an onion.

Then fried them with pork.

season them with salt and pepper

After fried few minutes, they has getting soft

put some Sake, suger, soy source, and mirin.

(I never measuring ...(^_^;  

Sake:3 tablespoon
Sugar:2 tablespoon
Soy source:2 tablespoon
Mirin:1 tablespoon

↑maybe something like that.  Please taste it yourself and find your favorite taste.

Or if you could get Mentsuyu,

You can put just it!

It taste like that.

Then boilling them

You can add some water too.


I like these kind of rice bowl because its EASY right?!(*´∇`*)

When you cook using beef, same way like this.
