12月 Schedule x Bobby Hustle Japan Tour | UNITY SOUND

12月 Schedule x Bobby Hustle Japan Tour

Bless up peeps... December is here but we're late updating our schedule info!!

Here are the dates for Unity Sound this month and for the New Year holidays!!!

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12.7 (Sat) Saku Saku Night @ Hachioji Zone

12.13 (Fri) Unity Friday @ Ex Bodega

12.14 (Sat) ラガラガ90’sナイト @ 両国Sunrize

12.18 (Wed) Binshan Wednesday Special w / Stone Love & Bobby Hustle x Unity Sound Japan Tour @ Shanty Town 静岡

12. 21 (Sat) Unity Cup 2014 Final Bout - Revolution Gang vs Natural High vs Wild Side @ Ex Bodega 横浜

12.22 (Sun) World Clock: Bobby Hustle x Unity Sound Japan Tour @ Dark Room 福岡

12.22 (Sun) Caribbean Sunday x Sexy Santa Night @ The Bridge 横浜

12.23 (Mon) Monday Camp: Bobby Hustle x Unity Sound Japan Tour @ Triangle 大阪

12.25 (Wed) Live n Live: Bobby Hustle x Unity Sound Japan Tour @ Flex 名古屋

12.28 (Sat) Stay Positive Final Stage: Bobby Hustle x Unity Sound Japan Tour @ Bayhall 横浜

12.29 (Sun) Power Playerz Anniversary: Bobby Hustle x Unity Sound Japan Tour @ The Game & R-Lounge 東京

12.30 (Mon) See Red @ Bayside 横浜

12.31 (Tue) Bodega Countdown @ Ex Bodega 横浜

1.2 (Thu) Stone Love Tour x Bobby Hustle x Unity Sound Japan Tour @ The Bridge 横浜

1.4 (Sat) Bobby Hustle x Unity Sound Japan Tour @ Cassia Park 函館

1.4 (Sat) Shonan Splash 2014 @ FAP 藤沢

12.25 Flex Lounge, Nagoya - Now Printing

12.31 Bodega Countdown - Now Printing

1.4 Cassia Park - Now Printing


Unity Sound Official App for iPhones & Androids / SoundCloud.com/crossfire0616

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