Spare me the details if you don't mind Pt1 | TURN UP THE VOLUME!!

Spare me the details if you don't mind Pt1

Hello and a Happy New Year!!

いやぁ、またまたお久しぶりになってしまったのですが、なにせ私この年末は南国逃亡、プールで「ボケー!」っと激脱日常しておりまして、嫌々ながら社会復帰するのに相当時間かかってしまりました... 皆さんはこの休暇で無事去年一年分忘年できたのでしょうか?

いつの間にか2006年も8日目!今年初番組も無事(?)終了したと言う事で、私Sinful今年初コラム(何でも「初!」ってつけると響き♪がよくなるような...)は「エイゴノオベンキョ」!皆さん、休み中に大ボケしてしまった脳ミソを少し使ってみましょう。毎度、超使えるイディオム・スラングたっぷりですので、Let's speak English! (別に嫌ならいいですけど...)

今日はオフスプ... この番組「パンクロックショー」ならではのちょっとコユイねたですので、全訳はご自身で&ミセイネンの方はお断りということでお願いします...


Spare Me the Details

My girlfriend... My dumb donut 

Went out to a party just the other night

But three hours later and seven shots of Jager

She was in the bedroom with another guy

And I don't really want to know... So don't tell me anymore

And I really don't want to hear

About her feet all up in the air

I'm not the one who acted like a Ho

Why must I be the one who has to know

I'm not the one who messed up big time

So spare me the details if you don't mind.

Not I can understand friends who want to tell me

Think they're gonna help me open up my eyes

But the Play-by-play makes me want to lose it

Everytime you do it man, it turns the knife

Now I don't need to hear about the sounds they were making

And I don't need to hear about how long it was taking or

how the walls were shaking...

Now lying in bed, wallowing in sorrow

Missing the tommorow that we could have had

Running through my head over and over

Things I never told her now just makes me sad

And it drives me insane sitting with the vision

Stuck with that image burned to my brain

And I feel so dumb that I could ever trust her

while someone #$%&ed her and walked away...

My dumb donut:肝心な『真ん中』に穴が空いてるので 「頭が悪い人」のことを指す。用例:You, dumb donut, why did you do that for?)

JagerJagermaister (略:読み方は『イェガーマイスター』)相当マズイ薬のような味がするドイツの酒。テキーラなみにぶっ潰れます。是非次回お試しください。

Ho: whore(略)アバスレ(けなして)「遊び屋女」のことを指します。用例:You're nothing but a #$%&in' HO!!

mess up: しくじる 用例: How can you mess up so bad you dumb donut!!

big time: 大きく・すごく 用例: I'm in big time trouble.

Spare me: 口語で「勘弁してくれ」

If you don't mind: もしよければ・よかったら

Play-by-play: スポーツ用語: シーンごとの詳しい解説

Lose it: 意識が飛ぶ、理性を無くす 用例: If you do that one more time, I'm going to lose it!!

Turn the knife: 刺したナイフをねじる=とどめをさす

Wallow in sorrow: 悲しみにおぼれる

Drives me insane: 異常・発狂・おかしくさせる 用例:You drive me insane!!

Burned to my brain: 脳に焼き付けられる