iPhone App Box by turf-2400m

「BrailleKing」 リリース!

BrailleKing はタイピングソフトに似た点字を使ったゲームです。
点字を1文字ずつ覚えたい場合は BraiileTaps をご利用ください。


BrailleKing is a game application that uses Braille.
It is useful for mastering Braille.
It is a typing-software-like application.
By tapping six white squares, make Braille character one by one, and make the word of the question.
You compete the time required to solve five questions.
You can learn Braille while playing!
If you want to learn Braille early and easily, BrailleKing is just fit to you.
BrailleKing has four playing mode, level1 to 3 and challenge mode.
In the challenge mode, your record can be put on the world ranking.
But the challenge mode is a little difficult... I'm looking forward to your challenge!
If you want to learn Braille by one character, I recommend you BrailleTaps.



ApplicationName : BrailleKing

First Release : (2009.11)

Price : 115Yen (0.99$)

Current Version : 1.00


■起動画面 Opening

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■メニュー画面 Menu
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■プレイ画面 Playing
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■ベストスコア・ランキング Best Score & Ranking
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