This is TOKYO! | トンキン人のブログ



This is TOKYO!

Hi guys. Do you love Japan?

Yes, I love Japan. So I am Japanese.
Fresh sushi, mysterious Shinto shrine, solemn garden,Japanese tea(ocha) and cosplay girls(boys),etc

hahahahahahahaha :D

But listen!

Tourists of the foreigner can travel in Kyoto, Osaka, Sapporo, Kanazawa, Kobe, Nagoya, Hiroshima and other japanese city safely.
However, unfortunately a great many racists grow powerful in present Tokyo.

When they watch a foreigner, stick out and appeal for the middle finger with a fuck and strike you.
You are very in danger.

Oh, I'm sorry. Seeing is believing.

Please watch following footage. Thank you.

All Japanese people love you, but TOKYO・・・


Racists picking quarrel with grandfather of the wheelchair seriously in TOKYO

Don't touch me! 触らないで! (Tokyo Subway Fight)

Anti-foreigner demonstration July 9th, 2011 Shibuya Japan.wmv

Tokyo Japanese shouted "White pig Go home!"

French protester arrested in Tokyo, "Shoot & kill them"

50 people arrested in Tokyo High Court May 20,2011

fucking girl in TOKYO

crazy woman on Tokyo train. Aviod at all cost!