The Life of Mr. Masaru Okunishi | nanちゃんのブログ



Year / Masaru's age /  Occurrence

1926         0            Masaru Okunishi was born in Nabari, Mie Prefecture, Japan.

1942         16          Masaru got a job at a railroad corporation.

1944         18          Masaru got military call-up paper.

1945         19           Masaru was demobilized and returned to the railroad corporation.

1947          21          Masaru got married with his wife Chieko.

1947~1960       21~34         A son and a daughter were born.

1961, March 28th         35         Nabari Doku-Budoshu Jiken (Nabari Poisonous-Wine Murder Cace ) had occurred.
Five women were killed. One of them was Masaru's wife, Chieko whose age was thirty four.

1961, April 3rd           35        Masaru was arrested by Mie Prefectural Police.

1961, April 24th          35           Masaru was prosecuted by Tsu District Public Prosecutor's Office.

1964, December 23rd      38      Masaru was found not guilty at the first trial held in Tsu District Court.

1969, September 10th     43       Overruling the district court decision, Nagoya High Court passed sentence Masaru guilty and death penalty.
He's started his life in jail since this moment.

1969, September 16th        43         Masaru made a final appeal to the Supreme Court.

1972, June 15th         46        The Supreme Court rejected it and the death penalty had become final and binding.

1973~1976        47~50        Masaru had filed from first petition for retrial to fourth one by himself because he didn't have money to consult a lawer.
All of the petitions were rejected.

1977 ~2002           51~76        Masaru's defense team had filed the fifth and sixth petition for retrial.
Both were rejected.

2003       77        Masaru had a surgery on his stomach cancer.

2005       79        Nagoya High Court ordered of commencement of retrial at the seventh petition for retrial.

2006       80         Nagoya High Court ordered rescission of the ruling.

2010       84         The Supreme Court  reversed the rescission and remanded to Nagoya High Court.

2012, May 25th          86         Nagoya High Court ordered rescission of the ruling again.

2012, June 11th          86         Masaru was transfered from Nagoya Jail to Hachioji Medical Prison.

2013~2014          87~88         The eighth petition for retrial was filed and rejected.

2015, May 15th         89         The nineth petition for retrial has been filed.

These are the history of Mr. Masaru Okunishi whose news of the eighth petition for retrial motived me of starting this blog last June.

Mr. Masaru Okunishi have been fighting to prove his innocence for nearly half a century in jail.

As I read the books and news letters about him, it was felt that his indomitable spirit should be memorized.

More people should know how he's been fighting for.

He is alive.

Sure, he's not been giving up either.


Shoko Egawa, Nabari Doku-Budoshu Satsujin Jiken-Rokuninme no Giseisya-, Tokyo, Iwanami Syoten, 2011.

Tokai Terebi Shuzaihan, Nabari Doku-Budoshu Jiken- Shikeishu no Hanseiki-, Tokyo, Iwanami Syoten, 2013.