今日は、先日「はなしか宝塚ファン倶楽部」を観に行った天満天神繁昌亭での「伝統芸能の会」 に行ってきました 


落語は歌舞伎  と同じく、今に生きている伝統芸能 🇯🇵 です 

楽しく勉強して来ちゃった アップ 音譜


Been to "Dennto Geinou no Kai" (Traditional Art Night) at Tenma Tenjin Hanjyoutei that I had been to see "Gone With the Wind" by comic story tellers the other day.

Rakugo, a comic story telling is a traditional art as well as Kabuki, you can find so many things to learn from.