A man had come from outer space. His name was Lamdalet. He wanted to go back to his home, therefore he came back to his spacecraft. He said to himself, Earthlians were calling my home star the 34th star of the Taurus. , and made his spacecraft take off. But he had gone in the place where stars didn't exist. He looked around. But his home star wasn't found. And he started to look at his home star. And the fuel got been gone. And the spacecrft crashed. He came from the spacecraft, and started to repair. But it was broken badly, therefore it was impossible to be repaired. Then a shooting star fell near by there. And he went to there where a spacecraft had fallen. He cried involuntarily, That is from the 3rd star of the Cassiopeia! And he opened the hatch of the spacecraft. Then a woman existed in there. And he took her, and went to his house where he had been living on the Earth, and made her lie onto the bed.

At the next morning, she woke up. Then Lamdalet said, I am Lamdalet. I came from the 34st star of the Taurus. I live in this house, on the Earth. She said, I am Tertia. I was living on the 3rd star of the Cassiopeia system. But the star exploded in supernova, therefore I escaped. Lamdalet said, OK. I'll support you, therefore you may exist in this house. , and went out of his house. And he thought that The 34th star of the Taurus was a star of the 6th magnitude. A star of the 6th magnitude exploded when, it should brighten up greatly, therefore it should get be in the news. Prehaps it moved somewhere. And he went to an observatory, and became into an assistant. Lamdalet investigated the Taurus, spare moments from his work. Elnath is the Beta star of the Taurus that was also the Gamma star of the Auriga. But the constellation boundaries got been determined when, the star became into only the Beta star of the Taurus. But the Elnath system got been divided into the territory of the Auriga and the territory of the Taurus. And comings and goings got more difficult, therefore many families are torn apart still. But the data of the 34th star of the Taurus wasn't found. Lamdalet came back when, Tertia had cooked spaghetti. Lamdalet said, Don't force your cooking in spite of injuries! But thank you. , and ate and said, Wow! It is Cassiopean sauce! Did you mix black pepper and honey? And Tertia replied, I'm sorry. The sauce which I brought from home. I don't know how to make the sause.

At the next day, Lamdalet went to the observatory, and investigated the history of the constellations, spare moments from his work. At first, the 48 constellations, and the unfigured stars among those constellations, and the Chambers of the South of Job existed. At the Age of Discovery, new constellations started to be made on the Chambers of the South where nobody had been living. And other new constellations started to be made on areas of the unfigured stars too. And territorial disputes began between each constellations. And the whole stars got been confused, therefore the Galactic Emperor Magarrah decided constellation boundaries. Then the Argo Navis was huge too, therefore it got been split into four constellations those were the Carina and the Puppis and the Pyxis and the Vela those got been given to four princes, as their own territories. Since then the constellation boundaries aren't changed up o now. Alpheratz was the Alpha star of the Andromeda, and was also the Delta star of the Pegasus. But it got been determined to the territory of the Andromeda. And Alpheratz system got been divided into the territories of the Andrameda and the Pegasus. Nembus was the Upsilon star of the Perseus, and was also the 51st star of the Andromeda. But it got been determined to the territory of the Andromeda, similarly to Alpheratz. The Pegasus and the Andromeda and the Perseus are same races and cultures and languages in common, therefore those didn't get been confused. Brachium was the Gamma star of the Scorpion. And the Scorpians lived at there. But it got been determined to the Sigma star of the Libra, and got been determined to the territory of the Libra. The Libra government recognized both the two languages of the Libra and the Scorpion, as the official languages, in the spirit of philanthropy. But Basanismus was the Gamma star of the Telescopium that got been determined into the G star of the Scorpion. And the Alpha star of the Norma got been determined into the N star of the Scorpion. And the Beta star of the Norma got been determined into the H star of the Scorpion. The residents of those three stars , weren't the Scorpian tribe, and didn't speak the Scorpian language. But broadcastings of the three stars, were broadcasted in the Scorpian language only. And all documents were written in the Scorpian language. And schools taught the Scorpian language. And one spoke a language word of the Telescopian and the Norman, and one don't know the Scorpian words, who got been boxed up.

Lamdalet came back when, Tertia was sleeping. He said, I guess you rest decently. It's good. , and cooked. Then Tertia said, You say that you came from the Taurus. But your seasoning isn't similar to the Taurian cooking. The tastes of the zodiacal constellations are mixed evenly, and it is similar to Saturnian cooking too. And Lamdalet said, The next planets of Saturn those are Jupiter and Uranus. And Tertia said, It isn't similar to Jovian cooking.

And the next day, Lamdalet examined about Uranus, in spare moments from his work. Uranus is 5 point 6th magnitude that is brighter than viewable limit, therefore it was being observed as a fixed star several times, before it got been discovered. In the year 1690, John Flamsteed recorded as the 34th star of the Taurus. A french astronomer Pierre Charles Lemonnier was continuing to observe the all movements of Uranus from the year 1750 to the year 1771. But he didn't report to the society. In the 13th day of March in the year 1781, William Herschel was observing the Gemini, and discovered a strange object. Then he noticed that was a new heavenly body, but he thought that it is a comet, and announced that he discovered a comet, in the 22nd day of March. Nevil Maskelyne received the report, and decided it is liker planets than comets, and contacted to Herschel. After that, Herschel continued to observe and assumed that the orbit is circular, and was able to explain the observations. The aphelion of the new heavenly body is 18 point 93 units, and it was far more distant Saturn, and it was far bigger than itself had been thought until it was found. Since then, the new heavenly body came to be considered that is a planet. Herschel named it Georgium Sidus that means that the Star of George, in Latin, after the British King George III. After that, one pointed out that Sidus is a fixed star that isn't a planet, therefore Herschel renamed it Georgian Planet. But it didn't spread except England. Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de Lalande proposed Herschel, in 1784 that was spread between the French astronomers. After that, many names got been proposed too. And Uranus which Johann Elert Bode proposed, got been widespread finally. That name became most common at the year 1827, in England. And the all observatiries switched to Uranus in the year 1850.

Lamdalet came back and said to Tertia, I may can go home thanks to you. Thank you. And Tertia said, That sounds good. After you are gone, I'm inured, and can I work? And Lamdalet said, I'm sorry to I haven't to see a doctor once you. Do you come with me? In my planet, medical care is free.

At the next day, Lamdalet broke down his spacecraft and her spacecraft, and made a new spacecraft with the usable components. And they got into the spacecraft, and took off.