At the twelfth day of January, Mathusala and Batrache went on a picnick. They came to a zoo. Batrache changed into a three-humped camel at front of an Arabic camel and a Bactrian camel. And he changed into a big rhinoceros at front of a rhinoceros. And Mathusala was in stitches.
At that day, Tubal traveled on buisiness. His destination was Switzerland. He came to an airport. And he hang a rope to a wing of an airplane, and went up onto the wing, and pitched a tent . Thus he succeeded to steal a ride successfully.
Then Tubal was fighting with a bull robot that had been made by Doctor Holstein. Tubal shot the top of the hill. And some rocks fell onto Holstein's bull. Then the bull's horns became into drills, and broke the rocks. And Tubal fired a bazooka. Then Holstein's bull upright, and its stomach opened, and launched a missile. And other missiles sprang on. And Tubal took out a missile, and launched. The missile did split itself. And a mechanical gorilla appeared from the missile. And the gorilla began fighting with Holstein's bull. Then Dio the cat wears clothes of a gyouji(a Japanese referee), bigan divided them. And he swung his fun(gumbai isn't uchiwa). And they started sumo wrestling. Then Tubal picked up him in his fingers, and said, What do you? And Tubal and Dio started a boxing.