Today I finished Kamen Rider Den-O 地下鉄

It was one of the best seasons that I watch

This season was one of the bestニコニコ

I'll still watch the series moviesニコニコ映画

Tomorrow I plan to see the summer movie キラキラ

My favorite characters

中村 優一 (Nakamura Yūichi) As 桜井 侑斗 (Sakurai Yuuto)


Deneb (デネブ)


白鳥 百合子 (Shiratori Yuriko) As ハナ (Hana)


秋山 莉奈 (Akiyama Rina) As ナオミ (Naomi)


松本 若菜 (Matsumoto Wakana) As 野上 愛理 (Nogami Airi)


石黒 英雄 (Ishiguro Hideo) As カイ (Kai)


The only thing I would like Kamen Rider Den-O was that Shiratori Yuriko-san had getting to the end of series しょぼん

She is my favorite heroine of series Kamen Riderドキドキ

Now about the movies, still it has a lot to watch

I finished Kamen Rider Kiva last year I still need to watch the movie of summer tooビックリマーク

Those are my next plansビックリマーク

''The past should give us hope''

See ya...:)