★汚染食品の途上国へのODA”援助”ー Fukushima industrial and foo | ★STOP!放射能ガレキ全国拡散!玄海、泊~全原発!子供虐殺!不妊ワクチン&殺精子コーン&六ケ所&祝島

★汚染食品の途上国へのODA”援助”ー Fukushima industrial and foo

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�����ョ�サカ��ァ��������ア�����������セ�����������������・���������������������http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/19_03.html English


Dear everyone, for further dissemination.

Sep 19, it was reported by NHK Japan National Broad Casting that Ministry of Foreign Affairs is proposing to purchase industrial and canned fish products from disaster hit areas - Fukushima, Miyagi, Iwate as ���a means to tackle harmful rumor against their products���. The Ministry applied for a budget 65 million dollars for this purpose under ODA.
Please note that Japanese government on 17 March ��� 6 days after 3.11 disaster had happened- dratically increased the maximum upper limit of radiation level for water, milk and other drinks to 200Bq/L for cesium (in USA it is 0.111 Bq/litre; WHO standard 10 Bq/L) and 300Bq/L for iodine, and that for food 500Bq/kg for cesium and 2000bq/kg for iodine (Codex standard 100 B1/L, in USA 170Bq/L).

Our contury and we are are contaminated with fallouts , nuclear waste, contaminated water and food, and now our government is trying to contaminate people in devloping countries under a name of ���developing aid���. Please note that 3400 teraBq contaminated water was dischard from Fukushima Daiichi to the sea by the end of May, affecting all living creatures in the sea. Radiation does not respect national boundaries.

Please contact Japanese embassy for information and protest or you may directly contact Ministry of Foreign Affairs HQ.TEL: #81- 3-3580-3311
List of embassies and consulates http://www.mofa.go.jp/about/emb_cons/protocol/index.html

You may check it directly with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Koichiro Gennba by sending him an email.
http://www.mofa.go.jp/about/hq/fm_corner/index.html Email: g01748@shugiin.go.jp