★前ミネソタ州知事による、ある医師のインタビュー:ワクチン接種の危険性 | ★STOP!放射能ガレキ全国拡散!玄海、泊~全原発!子供虐殺!不妊ワクチン&殺精子コーン&六ケ所&祝島





The Bilderberg Group 4/4 - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura


前ミネソタ州知事による、ある医師のインタビュー(米TV放送『陰謀セオリー』)投稿者 ひとりのちいさな手

強制中絶、癌ウイルスの拡散、大量殺人者たちへの資金提供:ロックフェラー年代記 by David Rothscum 2

。。。”Gov: ドクター、我々は、すごい話に踏み込んでいますよね。世界人口の90%を消してしまう話ですから。ビルダーバーグが一番上の位階に位置するのでないとしたら、まだほかに誰か彼らの上にいるのですか?

Dr: 私がこの女性から聞いた話によると、『7人の男からなる評議会』a council of seven menというものがあり、彼らが世界の"長期的な動向”を決定しているのだそうです、つまり彼らが、どういうことが起こってほしいか、を決めているのです。それは、どの国が勃興し、どの国が没落し、どこの経済が繁栄するか、といったようなことです。

そして我々が理解するべき一番重要なことは、この『7人の男からなる評議会』は、どんな宗教にも属さないし、どんな国にも関係しないし、どんな政治組織にも関係を持たない、ということなのです 。彼らには彼ら独自のルールがあり、彼らはそれに則って行動するのです。彼らのルールは、我々が知っているどんな組織・会にも つながりがないのです。”



以下は、 さてはてメモ帳 Imagine & Think! より!

前ミネソタ州知事ジェシー・ベンテュラ(以下、Gov): レイボー博士ようこそ。お元気ですか?
Gov: ここまでお出で下さってありがとうございます。あなたは、アメリカから国外へ移住したんですね?
Dr: ええそうなんです。
Gov: またどうしてですか?
Dr: アメリカ国内にいるのが安全でないと思うからです。。。ええ話し終えたら、またアメリカから去るつもりです。なぜって?なぜならもうすぐ、それは今日とか明日、というわけではありませんが、もうすぐワクチンの強制接種が始まるからです。しかも、表面的には”自主的な選択によるワクチン接種”という名のもとにです。
Gov: そのワクチンが何か問題でも? それはよくないものなんですか?
Dr: まずですね、WHO(世界保健機関)は、世界人口の90%が余剰人口だ、と決めているのです。WHOは1974年から、人びとを 永久的に不妊するようなワクチンの開発に取り組んできました。
その状態はちょうど、”湾岸戦争症候群”と同じようなものです。それは、体のあらゆる関節が腫れあがって、耐えれないような痛みに襲われ、そして 動けない状態になるのです。
Dr:ええ、それらのワクチンの いくらか種類の中に入っています。しかし、米政府はここで、トリックを密かに用意しているのです。
Gov: もしワクチン接種のせいで人びとが大量に死亡し始めたら、それこそ、革命とか反乱とか農民一揆のようなものが起こらないでしょうか?
ノース・コム、こと ”北部司令部隊”が創設されたのを覚えておられますよね。それもほんの少し前に。
Gov: Dr.Wicherdが言っていますが、もし人びとがワクチン接種を拒否した場合、FEMAは彼らを多分、国中に建設されている強制収容所のようなところへ入れるだろう、と。。
Dr: 。。2003年に。。診療所”へ、ある一人の患者が来ました。彼女はある州の知事(トップ)。。。ある日、彼女がこう言ったのです。

『Great Culling.(一大”選別”作業=”間引き”作業)。 CULLINGです、羊の群れを送るときの』

すると彼女は『そうですね、ビルダーバーグについて聞いたことはありますよね、もちろん?』と言うので、私は『ビルダーバーグの人たちが、世界のトップにいるのですか?』と聞くと、彼女は『いいえ。』と言った。。『7人の男からなる評議会』a council of seven menというものがあり、彼らが世界の"長期的な動向”を決定している。。。どの国が勃興し、どの国が没落し、。。といったような。。。
。。。豚インフルは、一つの手段にすぎません。 いいですか、もし大量殺戮をするのだとしたら、60億人の人間を殺すのには、ものすごい大変なしごとをしないといけないわけです。

。。。もし私たち市民が団結したら、私たちの力には、彼らはかなわないのです。私たちが声をあげると、”必ず毎回”彼らは一歩 後ろへ下がります。。。隠された秘密は、私たち市民の一人ひとりにはパワーがあるのだ、ということです。彼らは、私たちがパワーを持っているという事実を私たちに知ってほしくないのです。



(以下は、インタビュー 原文)
Former Gov.Ventura: Dr.Laibow, how are you?

Dr.Lima Laibow: I'm fine, thank you, Governor Ventura.
Gov.: Thanks for coming up. You've left the United States of America?
Dr.L: Yes, sir, I have.
Gov.: Why?
Dr.L: I do not feel safe living in the United States.
Gov.: Really? Do you wanna come in and sit down?
Dr.L: No, sir. I'd rather not.
Gov.: You'd rather just be here and so you can make the fast tug, if you have to.
Dr.L: As soon as you and I finish, I'm leaving the country again. Why? Because in a very short time, not today, not tomorrow, but very soon, we'll be facing compulsory vaccination, under the mistaken term of "voluntary vaccination."
Gov.: Are you talking to me now about current swine flu? Is that you are talking about?
Dr.L: I am.
Gov.: What is about these vaccination? You think it's bad?
Dr.L: First of all, let's start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people. The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility.
Gov.: Doctor, the responses' gonna be "You are crazy." How can you say the stuff?
Dr.L: I'll show them the documentation.
Gov.: Now, this is pretty shocking.
Dr.L: This process's already been on going. To make matters worse, we know that the vaccines that were illegally approved by the FDA contain a substance called "squalene".

***** Squalene, an organic compound used in vaccines to stimulate immune system and increase the response. ******

Dr.L: If I inject you with squalene, your immune system will attack the squalene, but then it starts attacking all of the parts of your body. What its look like when you meet a person whom that is happening is look like a Gulf War Syndrome. It looks like every joint in the body is swollen and intolerably painful and immobilized.
Gov.: This is in these shots they're gonna give us?
Dr.L: In some of them. But the US government has a trick of their sleeve.
Gov.: Which is?

***** Still ahead, the conspiracy shocker, a group that's even more powerful than the Bilderbergs. "What does that mean with the holocaust? 'A genocidal holocaust?' *****

***** Jesse Ventura's investigation into the Secret Society that runs the world has led to this. A meeting in the remote airplace with Dr. Lima Laibow. The physician fled to the United States, in fear of the Builderberg's plan to use vaccines to kill off much of the world population.******

Dr.L: They will induce the pandemic, using the nasal mist vaccine which is live attenuated viruses. That means that if I take it, I can infect you. You are going to get the flu, and everybody around us get the flu.
Then the United States' government, based on their statements that they've already made, will say, "Oh, my! We have a pandemic. Oh my goodness, we don't have enough doses. So we'll add-mix squalene at the 90,000 injection stations that the Department of Health and Human Services announced that they will ship the vaccines to.

***** People lining up, sometimes by the hundreds, for H1N1 flu shots. *******

Dr.L: What that means is a holocaust. A genocidal holocaust. Men and women will in second die, and those who survive will be in fertile.
Gov.: If people start dying massively from these inoculations, won't there be like a revolution, or rebellion or a rising up from the peasants?
Dr.L: (nodding) Briefly...until the 420,000 US military swing into action. If you remember the North Com, the Northern Command was created not long ago, to among other things, relocate the population in the event of civil disorder or Pandemics.
Gov.: Dr.Wicherd says that if people refuse these vaccinations that FEMA's gonna put them into the almost concentration camps around the country.
Dr.L: I think you have to leave out the word " almost".
Gov.: Doctor, how can you say this stuff?
Dr.L: Let me tell you a story. In 2003, I had a patient in my drug-free mediacl practice, who was a head of a state. And one day, she said, "You know, it's almost time for the great culling to begin."
Gov.: What?
Dr.L: That's what I said. "What?" She said "Great Culling, CULLING when you send a herd,"
I said, "What are you talking about?"
She said, "It's almost time for the useless eaters to be culled." And she said "Those are the people who are consuming OUR non-renewable natural resourses."
I said, "Who are the people who make that decidion?"
She said, "We, the aristocrats."
Gov.: This person you talked to, you're banned, because you are the physician and there is a relationship, but you can't talk..
Dr.L: Correct.
Gov.: Is this person, she is in the Bilderberg?
Dr.L: She is not Queen Beatrix, she is not Queen of England, she is not Henry Kissinger, But she certainly presented herself as a member of that Power Elites and she is certainly a head of a state.
Now the Bilderbergers are much talked about at this point. I said, " Who is behind this?"
And she said, "Well, you've heard about the Bilderbergers, of course."
I said, "Are they the people at the top?"
She said, "No."

Gov.: Doctor, we're talking about wild stuff here. Extinguishing 90% of the world population. Now what you seem to me is that the Bildergergs are not the top echelon, is there somebody above them?
Dr.L: According to what I was told by this woman, there is a council of seven men, and they make long-term decisions about what they want to see happen. which country arises, which country falls, or which economy prosper. And it's really important to understand that these people have no affiliation to a religion, no affiliation to a nation, no affiliation to a political party. They are acting according to their own rules. And their rules are not the ones that the institutions we believe in adhere to.
Gov.: And you're saying these people mean genocide?
Dr.L: The swine flu is one catalyst. Remember, if you are genocidalist, you have to work really hard to kill 6 billion people. As a military person somebody trained as A SEAL, you know that the SEALs might be able to carry out the job, but you also had a backup to collateral strength.
Gov.: How powerful are the Bilderbergers and the people above them in the world.
Dr.L: Not as powerful as we, the people in the aggregate are. When we raise our voices, every single time, they step back. The problem is, the dirty little secret is, that we HAVE that power. They don't want us to know that we have that power.

***** Her warning's delivered. Dr.Laibow has back to her hideaway in the mountain of Panama. Her message is clear. It's up to every one of us to decide what to do with her information.******

 このジェシー・ヴェンテュラ前ミネソタ州知事によるTV番組”Conspiracy Theory”は、昨年12月に始まったばかりで、第一回目放送(12/2日分)は、前知事が、HAARPの調査を特集したそうです。
 米国の一般家庭のお茶の間に、陰の政府の陰謀を、前州知事が暴露するという番組が流される! というのは、大きな前進だと思います。
 ワクチン騒動のアメリカでの計画が、分かりやすく、簡単にまとめられています。明らかに、計画は 不成功に終わったみたいですね、、今のところ、、、。


人類の歴史上最大の犯罪が進行中 ジェーン・ビュルガーマイスターによる告訴について

共産主義者の乗っ取りはずっと以前に始まっていた  by Henry Makow Ph.D.

ルーズヴェルトを排除する銀行家の計画は一つの策略だった  By Henry Makow Ph.D.

600万人のアメリカ人が無収入 ROCKWAY EXPRESS  2010/01/09
