Kansai Univ. Alumni Event (English) | Ode To Daisuke

Ode To Daisuke


This is a rough translation of reports from the event for the Kansai University alumni on June 25, 2014.

I tried to summarize many tweets from several different people. Therefore, please be forewarned that Daisuke's answers are not exactly word to word.

The talk itself was approx. 15 minutes. He had other interviews(?) before the event, and had to leave immediately afterward to go back to Osaka.


Kansai University Alumni event
June 25, 2014 in Tokyo

Before Daisuke’s appearance:

A flute player and a pianist play a medley of Daisuke’s program music: Beatles medley, Phantom of the Opera, Swan Lake, La Strada, Blues for Klook, Il Pagliacci along with a few other music selection.

Daisuke’s achievements are displayed on 3 giant screens. Then his performance of Beatles medley at the Sochi Olympics is played.

Daisuke enters from the back entrance, walking on a red carpet. He wears a suit with a dark blue tie. He looks even more tanned than at AminoVital events. He has beard, too.

The stool on stage is high, and Daisuke has a hard time keeping himself from slipping.

The emcee is a former Miss International who is the same age as Daisuke.

She asks about his hair style.

D: I got a haircut but it grew, so I got another cut and had it colored and that’s why it looks like this. Maybe it’s not proper for a 28-year-old. People often tell me I don’t look like a figure skater.

Asked about his childhood:

D: I don’t remember when I tried my first jump. I tried to copy what those skaters were doing on TV. I didn’t have much fear back then.

Now I’m thinking more, and I know about my own body too well to try new things. I don’t have the kind of “unreasonable” confidence like when I was a teenager.

About the Kansai University skating rink:

D: When the skating rink was built at the University, my training environment improved significantly. Many skaters came to our rink to train, and it has become a place where we can motivate each other. I hope The Kansai University will become a symbol of Japanese figure skating. 

MC: It already is, thanks to you!

Asked about his private life:

D: I don’t have any hobbies. I guess changing my hair style once a month is my hobby. Or I go out shopping or eat out with my friends in Osaka. I don’t like just staying and relaxing at home, but I don’t want to travel far, either. My friends are getting married and have kids, so now it’s harder to ask them to go out with me…

I like listening to music, too. When I hang out in stores or restaurants and hear some music I like, I use an app (probably Shazam) or ask a store person what they are playing and buy it myself. It’s like a habit as a skater. I have used some of those tunes for my exhibition programs, but not for the competition programs.

Asked about his expression during performances:

D: I take dance lessons to improve my positions and movements. Otherwise, I don’t really think much about expressing anything. Sometimes the audience’s cheer motivates me and my performance grows bigger. One thing I can think of is that I’ve always been a very emotional person. Maybe that’s helping my performance.

A question from a professor: How did you study English?

D: When I went to train in Canada for the first time, I couldn’t understand what they were saying at all. So I watched TV a lot and listened. Some easy stuff like Disney or Cartoon Channels. Then I tried to shadow their lines. Now I understand it but cannot speak myself.

MC: But you talk with other skaters a lot, don’t you?

D: That’s because I don’t have to worry about grammar or mistakes. I can’t speak English at press conferences because I don’t want to be misunderstood if I use wrong expressions.

Asked about getting himself motivated:

D: I still don’t know how. Especially the last two years toward Sochi I struggled to synchronize my mind with my body, or my thoughts with my feelings. Sometimes I realize what went wrong only after I fail. Getting myself motivated is probably my lifetime goal.

Asked for a message for all Kansai Univ. alumni and faculty:

D: I am not sure if it takes one year, two years or more, but I'd like to think about my future for myself, not for someone else. I hope I can be proud of what I have done so far. If I decide to continue as a competitive skater, I hope again the Kansai University will support me. Even if I decide to seek another path, it will give me great confidence knowing you will always be staying behind me.
