悪化使節とは?What is the Depraved Mission? | 進化会

悪化使節とは?What is the Depraved Mission?


 Spies call Depraved Mission. So many fascists visit many nations.
 Fascists lost World War II. They lay latent from 1945. They used available things in anything. They participated in Depraved Power. They had power with superweapons. They derive Depraved Power now. They began the strategy that named a code name "Armageddon" on September 11, 2001. They retaliate for the allied powers. They worsen the world to destroy the world system that allied powers made. They aim to realize the fourth empire, world new order, world government in 2015.
 Fascists dispatched member of Depraved Mission if spies request. They deceived the governments, media and companies of countries. Fascists dispatched the mission to Vatican. They are advertizing deceived the Benedictus XVI and the Vatican in Japan. They shot the Pope and others by superweapons.
 They cannot deceive Dr. Hashimoto. Then, they decided to kill Dr. Hashimoto.
  They say that the victory or defeat of Armageddon have hung on Hashimoto.
 They will say that Armageddon can win, if Hashimoto is killed. 
 Dr. Hashimoto's house is surrounded by the subordinates. Neighboring residents declared themselves being fascist and have threatened.
 Big Superweapons were carried into the surrounding subordinate's houses.They surround and are continuing shooting.
 Therefore, unusually strong electromagnetic waves are measured. Then, Dr. Hashimoto is in a serious condition.
 Please rescue Dr. Hashimoto. Those who have shot will tell lies and will block investigation and rescue.
 Please shelter Dr. Hashimoto at somewhere else. Do you have a hospital, a hotel, accommodations, and a dormitory in Japan? Would you take care of Dr. Hashimoto, if you have? 
 You can get information of the Depraved Power and super weapon.
Dr. Hashimoto's rescue!
 諸国のSpyは、Depraved Missionの派遣を要請。2001年以来、先にMissionに会った者達は、Mind controlされ、世界の悪化に協力。博士と会わないと、真実がわかりません。
 Fascistは、Armageddonと名づけた作戦で勝つため、騙しに行きます。自ら「Depraved Mission」(悪化使節団)と名乗ってます。
 そのmissionは、Armageddonを意識し、世界各地や国内各所を訪ね、多数で嘘をついたり芝居をしてMind controlし、宣伝してます。
 外国や国内で真実をE-mailで誰かが伝えると、Spyは、東京に住む誰を騙して欲しいと要請します。それでKomazawa Valleyの調査を止めます。悪化勢力は、世界中に詐欺士を派遣して、騙しては宣伝してます。旅費をSuperweaponのMakerが払ってます。
PLS meet Dr. Hashimoto ASAP:
Dear director and everyone!