PLS stop terrorism | 進化会

PLS stop terrorism


Komazawa Bank advetise that they deceive you using spies.
PLS stop depravity in the world.:
Terrorism Blogs

 PLS examine Komazawa Valley ASAP to stop terrorism ! PLS confirm

Dr. Hashimoto. You can know forged mails, emails, documents, tape and

others. You can know perjury and lies. So you can reach the truth.
Detail introduction;

 You can know propaganda from the depraved power in Tokyo. We would

like to summarize and introduce the latest propaganda of depraved power

as follows:
"Depraved power=evil secret party network+evil secret agency network

+arms illicit sale network+evil media network+ evil school network

+evil speculation network+cult network+terror network+mafia network

+Al-Qaeda +others

 Japanese Ministry of Information (secret department) is the biggest and
strongest secret agency in the world. They do crime and terrorism.
They watch and steal emails. They send forged emails. PLS confirm.

Spies requested to send swindlers. To cheat the embassy and the

Tokyo branch office of media in nations, they send the swindle persons .

To cheat the government and the media headquarters in nations, they

send the swindle persons to the capital of nations . "I heard it from

Hashimoto"are lies. The swindlers tell many lies.The swindlers have not

spoken with Hashimoto. They order a lot of swindlers to tell many lies.

Almost swindlers are members of the Yakuza. But some swindlers work

in bank, security company, etc.

・They order a lot of swindlers to tell many lies. Almost swindlers are

members of the Yakuza. But some swindlers work in bank, security

company, etc.

・September 11 was done.
・Even if the U.S. military bombs Afghanistan. The executive ofAl-Qaeda

ran away.
・Al-Qaeda monitor the government, the army, and the police of USA

with the World Rule System.
・They induced to Iraq War.And USA and EU lost many.
・Simultaneous world economic crisis in 2008 is economic terrorism

・New influenza is virus terrorism.
・Computer virus has been developed with Komazawa Valley.
・Many lists of names outflow and various cyber terrorisms have been

・Komazawa Valley is a base of IT crime and cyber terrorism.
・The world frequent and simultaneous occurrence compound terrorism

has already been progressing.

・Depraved power have a lot of subordinates.They introduce themselves

various names, and are cheating.

○Al-Qaeda prepared next terrorism.

・They aim at the joint press conference of heads of APEC on

with the missile.
・They try to kill the head, the important person, and the journalist in

21 nations.
・They project a missile from foreign countries in Singapore.
・They launch it from the sea or the island or the jungle near Singapore.
・They developed the cyber arms, the virus, and the induction device of

missile in Komazawa.
・If they are collected early, terrorism can be prevented.
・They open command in Komazawa.
・Terrorism occurs if the collection is delayed.

・Al-Qaeda have a branch in Komazawa Valley.

・Al-Qaeda say that they cancel APEC terrorism if any the mass

communication or the army or the police, etc. surveys Komazawa Valley.

・Spies and swindlers cheat foreigners who live in Japan.

・Terrorism is done if anyone do not investigate.
・Depraved power politicians pursue the political party, the political power, the

army, the police, and media company in the report not investigated though it

knows the plan of terrorism.
・Depraved power politicians aim at the Cabinet's resignation or the change

of power.

・Depraved power has a lot of subordinates in USA ,Japan and almost

・They aim to monitor official residence, government office, army, police,

intelligence agency, media, company and others global by the World Rule

System .
・There are many spies in USA, Japan and almost nations.
・Spies snake government offices, army, polices, intelligence agency,

media, company and others
・Snaked spies call Japanese spies, swindlers evil media, evil university

and others.
・Above 100 Japanese spies and swindlers visit many nations now.

Government offices, polices, statesmen, media and others.
・Translators are spies maybe.
・So Japanese swindlers speak many lies.
・False graduates speak many lies.
・Swindlers do not meet OO.
・But swindlers speak that they heard XX from OO.
・Depraved media forge emails, headers and records to arrest evolution

power in USA and Japan.
・Evil university and newspaper had cheated government, embassy,FBI,

TV and the newspapers in the United States many times.

・They use threatened child to cheat.

・If the child cannot cheat, all families are killed.

・Depraved power compel tell lies threatening the bankers and salesmen.
・They record the conversation. However, the translation are counterfeit.

・They forge false records. 

・They tap and can take a candid shot with the world rule system. They

can broadcast one million channels.

・They broadcast the cheated scene live by misusing the Webcast.

・Surbodinates watches with the personal computer all over the world.

 Subordinates of depraved power tell many lies. ” I hear xxxx from Dr.

Hashimoto”, etc. You can find surbodinates easy.
Blogs for evolution
PLS examine Komazawa Valley ASAP !

Diversified terrorism and counter-terrorism:
USA blog collection;
English Sitemap

They use threatened child to cheat.

Japanese news flash:
Japanese Sitemap:
Please confirm Dr. Hashimoto!‎
PLS investigate Komazawa ASAP!‎
Photo of superweapons blogs
How to collect superweapons blogs:
If the USFJ investigate Komazawa, North Korea'll change.
Because Komazawa Bank cannot support warlord.
DARPA develop superweapons. Depraved Power develop strongger
superweapons. They sell anti-American Staes. You can get superweapons
in Komazawa.
超兵器 Superweapon blogs:‎
Komazawa Bank give SADM to Al-Qaeda.
Nuclear terrorism in USA:
Nuclear Weapons of North Korea are Made in Japan‎
North Korea blogs‎
Komazawa Bank advrtised that they deceived USFJ, FBI, etc. using
various swindlers and missions.PLS investigate
Komazawa Bank ASAP!
Political Power and Superweapons:
Komazawa Bank blogs:
Dear Polices, Foces, Embassies and everyone.!‎
Swindlers and depraved mission blogs:‎
English blogs:‎
PLS investigate Komazawa ASAP!‎
 Depraved Power advertise that they broadcast inside of your rooms.
How to find superweapons in your rooms?
A part of the Building Rule System resemble remote surveillance system:
Building Rule System blogs;‎
PLS read program and data from computer!
Makers of superweapons blogs
Spies call swindlers to deceive you.Komazawa Bank order banks,
newspaper publishers and universities. So they tell lies,.
Spy blogs:
”They attack good"blogs:‎
Do you know why Al-Qaeda and other terrorists strong? Because
Komazawa Bank give money and weapons.You can decrease terrorism if you
can destroy or disclose Komazawa Bank!
Al-Qaeda Islam terrorism blogs
Terrorism Blogs:
USA blogs:
Depraved Power make many troubles. They invited Dr. Hashimoto. So
Dr. Hashimoto know their plots very well. You can solve many troubles
if you or your friends meet Dr.Hashimoto. For exsample Russia, China,
Japan, Norh Korea, Iran,Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine and others.
Nations Blogs:
Spies lying hidden in the headquarters call swindlers from Tokyo. It
is all lies that the swindlers say. Swindlers has not met
Komazawa Bank paid the travel expenses and rewards. They'll pay
travel expenses and rewards hereafter.
Trap of confinement
Depraved Power advertise that they attack brains of
American.Depraved Power attack USA and other countries using weather
Weather warfare,Abnormal weather:‎
Dr.Hashimoto know supeweapons very well. PLS ask him!
Dr. Hashimoto blogs:‎
Tel. 080-2058-8129 、080-3402-5289、81-80-2058-8129
Email. ,
Skype: evolu123
Address; West, 2-28-2, Komazawa, Setagaya-ward, Tokyo
But the Abe Administration interrupt communication. The government
forged E-mails for some time and forged false accusations and
threatened. The government send many forged emails and tell lies.
Center of Depraved Power, Setagaya ward blogs
Superweapon blogs;
Weapon Blogs
You can access about 3000 blogs:
Lies of sexual crime, the incest:
Deceived persons !
Super weapon, Aggravation business, world aggravation