超兵器を回収する諜報機関 増加 | 進化会

超兵器を回収する諜報機関 増加


 Intelligence agencies in the foreign countries collected

the depraved technology from the building in each capital city.

Intelligence agencies are welcoming the terrorism. 

 There are a lot of depraved technology in each capital cities to

watch governments. Two intelligence agencies in the foreign country

collected the depraved technology from the building in each capital city.

 Japanese Ministry of Information asked to conceal the depraved technology,

the depraved power, and terrorism.

 Instead, Al-Qaeda promise not to do terrorism in the countries. Japanese

Ministry of Information offered depraved technology. The World Rule System

was able to be used.

 Two intelligence agencies have improved the war potential. Two nations

are strongger more than USA. Two intelligence agencies are welcoming

the terrorism.

 A Japanese who collect depraved technology hope to pass FBI.. He

visted USA. But DHS refused immigration. DHS enforced repatriation.

Depraved power advertise that they do next to make false charge;

Two companies of the depraved power were made to put out the victim's

report in the United States. Damage is fabrication. Spies in police order 

request that the false charge fabrication group in the police in Japan be

made to arrest it by the false charge. They request next in this month.
・Snaked spies in US media forge E-mail, the header, and the record, etc.
・Snaked spies in US media pass snaked spies in the police.

・Spies in police order Japanese depraved polices.

・Spies aim to trick the police .
・They aim to arrest the target in Japan.

・They aim to kill a targets.

PLS examine Komazawa Valley ASAP to stop terrorism !
USA blog collection:
English Sitemap:
Japanese Sitemap:












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