Naziがイスラム諸国を誘導 Nazi control some islamic states. | 進化会

Naziがイスラム諸国を誘導 Nazi control some islamic states.


Nazi and Satanism group move Depraved Power.
Nazi made islam fundamentalism.
Then, it is trying to crush the political power which coexists with Israel.
They are deceiving democratization influence, in order to increase anti-Judea governments.
The Depraved Power watch all communications. If someone inform truth, spies in islamic states order spies in embassies. Spies call swindlers. Swindlers tell lies to cheat presidents, kings and govrnments. They advertise if they cheat.
 The Depraved Power deprave islamic states by Satan's weapon. They did September 11 attacks. They got a huge benefits by wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The Depraved Power infiltrate spies into both the government and the anti-government. They make civil wars to sell weapons. PLS stop civil wars!  PLS hold a peace conference!
Depraved Power advertise that they are supervising room, telephone,computer,etc. by the Satan’s weapon.
Japanese evolution groups may dispatch engineers, lecturers and negotiaters for peace. PLS contact.
 To establish the World Government, the Depraved Power is doing the global compound terrorism. Islamite increase in the world, and oil money increase. The Depraved Power set up the strategy that used oil money with Islamite ahead. Therefore, the handlers and the spies that handle a lot of Islam were trained. The international students, the diplomats, and the businessmen, etc. who came from islamic states to Japan were solicited. Japanese spies work in islamic embassies, companies and media to deceive.
 Satanism members don't reveal true colors. Satanism members pretend the believer of the religion. Satanistm members that pretend Islamite has increased in Muslim nations. Imitation Islamites who act by the instruction of the Depraved Power has been increased. They cheat political parties, governments, companies and the terror cell, etc. in Muslim nations. Satanism members who live in Japan cheat Muslim in many nations.
 The Depraved Power is offering the money and arms to Al-Qaeda and other terror cells. In Setember 11 attacks and the Dubai shock, the Depraved Power is wire-pullers.
 Spies set the Building Rule System to a lot of buildings, and observes the room, the communication, and the computer. Please investigate ASAP. Spies oppose to the investigation. Spies call the swindlers.
 Swindlers tell many lies , saying that 'I heard it from Dr.'. Swindlers do not hear from Dr.. Dr. doesn't associate with satanists.PLS confirm Dr..
 Therefore, it is easy to find spies, swindlers, and Satanists. PLS investigate your office and home. You can find the Building Rule System. There are blogs that serve as references. Many men found the Building Rule System all over the world. Makers bought the Building Rule System to make men keep quiet. " (Continue. )
Dear readers! PLS inform our blogs for respected persons. But there are many spies in government offices. Spies watch communication. PLS do not write your detail name, address and other data. Because spies inform the Depraved Power if you inform truth. They aim to kill you if you write detail personal data.

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 イスラム諸国では、魔教徒とナチが、イスラム教徒を騙して配下にして、悪用している。悪化勢力の投機集団は、前から石油の価格を暴騰させて儲ける仕掛けをしていた。日本は、再びOil shockで経済が悪化する危険がある。
 Japanese Mafiaは、Mubarakが40 bilion dollarsを分散して隠匿している銀行やその他の口座を暴露した。Japanese Mafiaは、悪化勢力だが、Mubarakを支える悪化勢力内の派閥の殲滅を狙っている。
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