
Yesterday morning after waking up I ate breakfast at the hotel then headed to my company's factory for work 




In the morning after arriving safely to my company's factory during the light rain me, Aoki Sacho and Dai Kun hurried to packing before the typhoon came 





The typhoon arrived and it became very windy and pouring rain but we managed to pack the 10 ton truck 

そして夜無事に埼玉県の家戻って美味しいコロッケディナー食べました〜ウインクチョキ 昨日はめちゃめちゃ疲れましたけど今日もまた仕事頑張ります〜キラキラ音譜

Then in the evening I arrived back safely to my home in Saitama-Ken and ate a delicious korokke dinner 




坊主之腹筋 さん【そうですね〜 たまに和食はいいよね〜^_−☆】