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Accounting Tips – Organizing Your Financial Records Organizing your financial documents is extremely important for a number of different reasons. It is especially important if you have never worked with an Orange County accountant or you don’t ever plan to work with one. Organizing financial documents isn’t as difficult as it might seem though in the beginning the task may appear insurmountable.Organizing your financial documents is important because your family deserves not to have to worry about finances should anything happen to you. Should something ever happen to you giving your family the peace of mind they need in knowing where all of your money is can help them deal with a difficult situation in what could be the most stressful and emotionally trying time of their lives. If others depend on you make sure your loved ones are able to carry on in your absence. You can help them carry on by making sure your financial documents are organized, easy to find and easy to read.Of course working with an Orange County accountant to organize your financial records is the path that you should choose first but if that’s not an option due to cost or time then you’ll need to make due on your own. If you were to pass away and you were the breadwinner of your family having your financial documents in folders,Nike Air Max, and huge stacks and piles of paper, and the notes found the back of envelopes, your family is going to have an extremely difficult time making sense of things. Furthermore your sudden departure or absence is going to make sorting these documents all the more difficult.When it comes to contacts, accounts, and passwords you should at the very least consider creating a spreadsheet that lists all of these things. Of course if you’re planning on using just a regular plain old spreadsheet then you need to take some extra steps and precautions to ensure that your data is secure. One caution here however, you’ll want to be sure that your security measures don’t make the file inaccessible to your heirs. In addition to critical financial information it’s wise to create a second tab that includes contact information for any important professional in your life. This can include the names of persons who help you with things of a legal nature, taxes, insurance,Nike Air Max 2010 Mens, and even investment advisors.Another thing Orange County accountants recommend you do when you go to organize your financial documents is to create a document that lists all of your sources of income. This is recommended because such a document will empower your spouse to take over in case you taken out of the picture. The things to list in this document should be not just income from a job but Social Security, pensions, investments, and even life insurance. This will give your spouse a good idea of where he/she can go to pool money from.As far as official financial documents go Orange County accountants will generally recommend that you keep an actual physical folder that carries the following things in them. A trust or will, directives, and other powers of attorney along with your last five years worth of tax returns can help a spouse greatly when they go to get a handle on things. It’s also wise to include copies of passports, birth certificates, real estate documents, vehicle registrations and any papers related to any business that you might own. Though having these documents in a physical folder is the definite way to go it doesn’t hurt to back these things up on a computer and have them on some type of portable hard drive. Keeping multiple copies of financial records not only makes them easier to find but protects them as well in the event one or more copies is lost.When all else fails and/or you hit a wall when you go to organize your financial records,Cheap Nike Air Max 2013, it’s a good idea to at least contact an Orange County accountant as many of them offer free consultations and even tips if your intent is to or you have no choice but to go it alone. The advice from an expert goes a long way when you’re taking on a project as important as organizing financial documents.